Letters and Thoughts for a Changing Time

Few can deny that our world is undergoing a seismic shift where institutions, ideas, ideals and more are increasingly under fire.
We are daily challenged to find our footing.
The former foundations we firmly trusted in are now shaking, quaking and – in the case of recent deluges – even snaking through our streets!
Take a deep breath.
Welcome to my ABC’s of NOW podcast series. This is where we revisit life through the alphabet with an eye toward unwinding and reviewing the building blocks we’ve all adopted and acquired.
Here we can ask ourselves: What works? What’s true? What is failing when stressed? And what has staying power when under duress?
As with everything I produce, these podcasts are not designed to disempower or fuel fear. To the contrary, they are intended to inspire faith, peace and an anchoring to the soul — even as we are currently braving the winds and waves of change.
In this latest podcast, we’re taking up the letter H and reflecting upon the words “He Will Be.”
In this episode . . .
- Discover where the expression “He will be” originates
- Entertain elements of a long-ago dream
- Consider the lyrics of a Michael Jackson song
- Tie them together with some ancient texts
Listen here for Episode 19 in the ABC’s of NOW series – H is for He Will Be.

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