This fourth letter from lockdown is about emotional health. The CDC recommends taking care of our mental and emotional health during this stressful time and as we distance ourselves physically and often socially from each other. So, here’s a bit of lightheartedness.
I found myself looking into my underwear drawer this morning. I started to reach for a simple, gray cotton – probably a couple of years old. After all, I’m dressed down for lockdown. Then, it occurred to me: I needed a lift! So, I found a fancy, white-laced pair and slipped them on. Silly as it seems, it made me chuckle.
What we need now is to use our fancy stuff, have a candlelight dinner, take out those items we save for special occasions. Maybe wear a bright flower in your hair, pocket or lapel or that hat you’ve been hesitant to wear. Why not?
Of course, we mostly need to help others. This special underwear – splashing out tactic isn’t instead of doing our part. It’s about doing a little something for ourselves too.
My friend, Ellen, called today to video chat. She looked gorgeous — new hairdo, earrings, and a colorful outfit. That’s the spirit!
Let’s give ourselves and others a chuckle. Share with your loved ones – or a friend who needs a smile – that today you’re sporting your best! Right down to your underwear. I bet that will uplift the conversation.
Little things that make us smile are big things now. So go get fancy! ??
Be safe and healthy, Kathleen