Since losing my precious daughter, Elianna I have gained so much strength and spiritual insight where I have found my inner peace and connectedness. Love will always remain between my daughter and I because love is stronger than death.
Losing a child is a devastating blow to a parent. The grief is unfathomable and I would not wish this upon anyone.
The strength I have gained from my daughter’s passing has led me to delve deep within to find the answers. I had the choice whether to stay in the dark or reach for the light no matter how turbulent and stormy my journey had been. In time, my grief led me to the light which has made me a stronger human being where I am able to adapt great spiritual knowledge and wisdom which has helped me to grow.
The beautiful signs I have received from her world are reminders that there is life beyond and that our soul is eternal!! I often feel her energy around me, like a light cloud, such an amazing feeling, and this to me signifies she is still with me and that I know we are more than bodies here on earth.
As sad as it was I now realize it was Elianna’s time to leave at such a tender age. She completed her spiritual assignment here on this earth plane and had to return home. I no longer feel like a lost ship at sea. I have now reached the shore where I feel stable and safe and have since risen to a new plateau of truth and understanding. This anchor is within me, my soul, giving me support and strength every step of the way but only through riding and embracing these turbulent waves of grief have I come this far. The grief within me lies dormant, and every now and then I shed tears of sadness for Elianna, but I know the face of grief has now changed and accompanies me along my journey. Grief has softened me not in the sense of weakness but in the sense of strength.
After Elianna passed I began to experience a whirlwind of emotions. One of these emotions was anger but I know from losing my daughter, this anger helped turn my life around and gave me the drive and motivation to accomplish so much where I found my gift to write. Anger can be fueled into positive energy if we allow it to. I became angry during the first 2 – 3 years after Elianna’s tragic passing but in time I was able to turn my anger around. I was not angry with God but I was angry with people who did not reach out and sadly turned their backs. This was the most challenging part of my journey. I thoght that losing a child, people would rally around, but I was wrong. Maybe this was my ego talking. I do realize some people are meant to be on our paths and others are meant to stand on the sidelines or fade into the distance. All in all, we learn from from one another. As my journey unfolded I began to forgive in my heart. I knew that if I did not forgive then it would be impossible for me to move on. I still have some anger to this day but I am grateful for this because the shred of anger that is still there motivates me to write.
Grief can seperate us or bring us together. I had Friends who were part of my life years ago before Elianna passed away but are no longer part of my life oday because through tragedy we change. There are some friends who are still with me to this day and there are friends who i have met along the way.
While moving on I mastered my grief and made friends with it and at the same time I reached other people with comforting words and instilling hope in their hearts.
When we experience death at close hand, such as the death of a child then we can master anything! Once we find the meaning and purpose in such tragedies we begin to find the truth and understanding and as we open our hearts we then can share our pain with others.
My journey here in this life is to treasure and appreciate every day that passes by, no matter how difficult it may be. Elianna’s passing has enabled me to grow deeper within and now that I am armed with enough spiritual knowledge, I can face the world again and share this knowledge with others.