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Image by HeungSoon from Pixabay

Life is a series of continuum’s.

Up’s and down’s, crossing bridges and everything in between. Everything from love to communication to inhalation is part of human existence, whence, a person becomes a higher part of the self, transitioning from one ritual to another, growth to growth, Spirit to Spirit, lending out and granting advice in order to survive and to thrive.

We are such constellations that there is no end to human existence. Fascination is our birthright, we are downright creatures of exploration, fragile space fearers who illuminate the world with one footprint, one single act of love, one attempt after another at appreciating the world’s sunrise and the moonlit end, after each day has passed. Each day brings with it age, surprise, beginnings and endings, sadness and joy, participation in rejection and acceptance; our holy nature is of course to live life according to our inward selves; that is, Spirits walking in human form.

There is such a distance between life and love nowadays. Life has become a search for destinations that perhaps never existed, while love, love has been ejected and stored away for special occasions that may not ever exist, as well. Why therefore are we so afraid of life before, and after love? Why not love before all existence?

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Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay

Each and every day we are faced with choices, decisions and a trajectory of yes’ and no’s that make up our character, our identities, our exponential growth and the rate of how quickly we adapt to situations.

It is however normal to dance the ever eternal dance of falling and rising.

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Anyone who has participated in life’s dilemmas and conundrums understands that in order for strength to appreciate itself, strength has to be built into the in between, between rising and falling. Conscience, of course, plays a dramatic role in shaping one’s character and life decisions. Often, we find ourselves at dramatic crossroads that we would never have thought that we would find ourselves in; such as tsunami’s that completely turn our lives and trajectories around. Turning life around~that is life.

Love is the expansive force that holds life together.

It is the complete in completion, the expensive in each stronghold, the importance in each decision, the all, the wonderment and the wonderful. It is my belief that inherent in each person’s desires and conundrums, love holds the strongest force shaping our beliefs and actions, as well as our desires. It is also my belief that love is who we are. Love is the actionable position of a non-reversible nature; in other words, it is who we are no matter the position, consequences, actions, or bewilderment left behind after any particular situation or occurrence.

Life and love are inseparable. Love is the strength that drives us forward from day one, where our hearts are so pure and so imbued that salvation is not even questionable. We are salvation, we are love, we are life. We are therefore all, the chosen ones. When comparing different types of love, one speaks of the truth. However, whether it is a companionship, romantic love or a friendship, love is the belief that there is something far greater to our existence than just our beating hearts. Our inherent nature tells us that not only is life full of potential, but that as love inherits us, we inherit love. Therefore, we cannot imagine a life without the other, we simply are that which we are.

Life has an exponential quality, in that the more expansive we become, the choices present themselves to us in many forms. We get to decide whether we remain ourselves and grow within, or, we accept that we are accepting others to be us. In other words, we are us or we are them. As Imran Badshah wisely said, “Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others. Not realizing that everyone has a different question paper.” Exceptional in every way, humanity recognizes that each individual is unique, yet, the decision is ours to ingrain our own belief system or adopt another’s. It is up to us to remain us, recognizing that each influence in life shapes us as well. However, the decision is ours.

And I, for one, have chosen to be myself.

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Brigitte Nicole~ SourceImage for post