When you read my book, THE MOSAIC, it will touch your heart and soothe your soul. And for many, that beautiful experience will be what they take away from their time with it. And yet, it should come as no surprise, that a book whose message is “to see what you do not see” would also offer something to those who delve a little deeper. To those who listen not only to the words of the story, but to the space between those words. it is quite possible that they will not only experience the heart warming story of connection but also, a magic that will alter their reality.
In the story, Mo’s father comes to him after he dies and says, “Nothing is as it seems.”
Sit with that for a moment and ask yourself, If I could see what I don’t see, what would I see? If I could hear the silence, what would it say? Imagine for a moment that everything in the world is speaking to you, what would it tell you?
These Mindhacks are just a few of the things that came to me when I sat quietly as i read each chapter and allowed the space between the words to speak to me. What, if anything, will the space between the words say to you?