A bit about my background-So I come from an educated, religious and a prosperous family. Been raised as a Sikh, I take pride in the fact that I belong to a sect that is equated with ‘Equality for all’ and preaches ‘Being of service’ to others. We have always been encouraged to stay within the ‘realms of the religion’, if I may say so? Ever since my teen days, I have always been on the hunt for higher wisdom- something that helps me define who I am and what do I really want to do and have a sense of connection to something bigger than myself- a deep sense of aliveness and interconnection! I have always been intrigued with this ‘ Connection with the Soul’! My quest for a meaningful life began when I started exploring other religious scriptures, listening to the world’s best spiritual leaders. During this journey, I learnt a lot about the complexity of human mind, body and soul, the reincarnation theory etc and I chose to take on the bits that inspired me and made some sense to me. Whilst I was exploring all this, I was still a ‘girl-next -door’ who loved to eat out, make friends, go for shopping and dress up well etc. And not only that, I also managed to grab a distinction in my school and a gold medal in the university; post which I was offered a lucrative job in one of the topmost banks. I was making good money as a 22 year old. I continued earning fame and recognition at work with colleagues coming up and telling me that I had been inspiring them with my ‘ can-do’ approach and even the clients who just lined up to see me as they ‘ trusted’ my advice. It seemed like life was giving me everything that I had been asking for consciously ( not forgetting to mention a great husband, a beautiful house to call it our own in the city of London) but in my subconscious mind there was something more that I yearned for — the emptiness was still there- ‘Who am I ? What am I here for ? How can I access my higher self?’
And the Universe seemed to offer a breakthrough for me and the day did come- I was three months pregnant when I thought to myself- I want to do something that can give me the flexibility of working for myself and at the same time relish the simple pleasures with my baby. I got introduced ( call it Divine Intervention) to the world of Coaching. It took a few sessions for me to realize that this is exactly what I want to be doing for myself — impacting the lives of people around me and empowering them. I jumped on a one year’s course to become a certified life coach and the rest is history.
Yes, I found my calling- this is exactly what I wanted. The whole process of being coached in the program and coaching others has been a divine experience- It has indeed been a spiritually elevating journey for me as I discovered my values, my life purpose, my core desired feelings and what is it that I really really wanted to do deep inside-(not the usual stuff that they teach you in schools and colleges, which is a shame isn’t it because all you have been learning is how to out-do your peers and win the rat-race instead of focusing on the value that you can create in the world by being yourself and showing up with the gift of talent you have)? I was exhilarated to re-discover myself. When I walked out as a qualified coach, I knew I wanted to impart this awareness to the world out there. I was approached by a lot many women clients who have been struggling with work-life balance or sitting on the fence of indecisiveness and not being able to take the next step because of a fear based mindset or even a simpler case of clients looking for more fulfillment in their day to day life; It’s simply about how disconnected we are from our higher self, how we are living out of alignment with our soul’s desires and how easily we blame the situation and circumstances for the failures and mishaps in our life. Most importantly, we are living the life based on the expectations others have of us! An issue of Co-dependency perhaps?
As I write this, I am so grateful to be working with these beautiful clients who are doing a great job of being mums and running their businesses, households, corporate jobs and yet yearning to be heard, to be seen and to be able to follow their dreams that they have been longing to fulfill. Coaching is a beautiful process of facilitating deep soul- digging conversations and helping you access the best version of yourself- and for me that’s what Spirituality is about. I can proudly say that I am much more connected to my higher self, I believe in the power of ‘Me’ and yes I have my own limiting beliefs too, I have my normal day to day frustrations too BUT I don’t let them rule me or my life. I feel much more in control over my emotions and when I feel like giving up- I go back to my ‘WHY’ of being here and that is to be like a lighthouse that will guide the people around me when they get lost and to navigate their path to a life that is fulfilling and in resonance with the inner self or as I always say ‘ a high-vibe life’! I do feel that as a Coach, I am not here to fix things for the people I work with but to help them live a life fully!!
Originally published at medium.com