It is not good for you to believe that your life
just happened by chance; that your life just took place at this time
and in this place for no purpose; that you are just an accident of
D.N.A. that only came together because of the X or Y chromosomes of
your parents; that this life, on this planet, has no meaning, and
that “stuff” just happens and everything is a coincidence.
What I don’t like about this attitude is the way it subtly suggests
that I am nothing; that my life is unimportant and that whatever I do
has little impact on the world. It is the small-mindedness of other
people and their lack of love for neighbour that allows this idea to
pervade our culture.
It is a matter of faith to me, as a Roman Catholic,
that I believe that, from all eternity, God willed that I live at
this time, in this place, and that I was put on this earth for a
purpose. In this faith, I gain much meaningfulness concerning the
ultimate purpose of my life.
However, you don’t have to be religious to believe
this. Many people who profess no religious faith at all still believe
in a personal philosophy that has meaning for them, and part of this
philosophy of life is the fact that they believe that their lives
have a reason for their existence and that they were put on this
earth for a purpose.
I invite you to entertain this vision in your quest
towards personal excellence and self-mastery. It is, I believe, an
absolute essential if you want to live the life of your dreams, since
it is the mainstay of that life, the foundation of your vision.
Before you can start working towards your dream life, you must first
have the understanding that there is a point in having a dream. If
you don’t believe life has a meaning, then why bother having a dream
for it?
Some people might argue that we make a dream because
it creates meaning; it brings purpose into an otherwise meaningless
life. However, I don’t agree – we should start by believing that our
life has a purpose – we just don’t know what it is yet, rather than
believe it has no purpose, so we have to create one. If you believe
that your life has no purpose, then you are starting your dream life
from a hole to begin with, plus it reveals a “lack mentality”,
which is one of the worst things for personal development.
So believe that your life has a purpose! If that’s
hard for you, then start small and consider all the things you have –
your parents, brothers and sisters, friends and other people. Think
of the time when you were only 4 years old, lost in the crowd at the
fun fair for a short time and you couldn’t find your mother – how
that nice lady showed you the way to find her and found your mother
for you. Start by entertaining the possibility that life has purpose
and meaning, then events will start happening and memories will pop
out of the woodwork to prove it!
I hope you find your purpose in life and gain all
happiness from living it!