Life is sustained by natural friction of discomfort and uncertainty
One wants to enjoy the comfort of, relief :
Of having flawless choices;
Of controlling others;
Of knowing, confirming the result, future;
Of one’s ideas not being challenged;
Of not-committing errors.
Can you see that this relief can not be secured?
Where are you Now:
Feeling uneasiness, pain about something that happened in the past.
Feeling uneasiness that something you desire may mature or may not mature. There are pending issues, pending actions.
Something untoward may not happen. Some unpleasant thoughts crop up. There is confusion, ambiguity.
Can you see, feel, acknowledge whatever is there in the ‘Now’- ‘as it is’.
You are face to face with the natural friction, natural resistance on which life is sustained.
Your whole energy is concentrated here. Now any action is relaxed, conscious, creative.
The friction between this moment and the next gives momentum to life. The friction is unending. When you are relaxed in this moment, whatever be the situation, the image for the next moment (comfortable to you) is automatically created. This is the natural momentum on which brain works. When you are not at rest with this moment, you are trying to fix the next moment to your pattern of satisfaction. You miss the automation. You become busy in fighting an illusory battle.
It is quite simple to understand. There are only two steps.
You have to see that you are experiencing psychological discomfort (apart from immediate physical danger, all discomforts are psychological discomforts-loss, defame, relationship problems and so on).
You have to be comfortable with (absorb) this uncomfortableness without any explanation to come to the Original ground.