When bad things happen, or wrongdoings have been made against us, we are often met with that same, tired response. Life’s not fair. OR That’s life! Time and Time again we are given these tired responses. Responses that are so flat. Dismissing the seriousness, agony, and harshness of imbalance. The Spirit and energy arising when things were taken from us. When things were stolen from us for others’ gain. People, who did not work as hard as we did (or went through those daunting sacrifices), getting rewards. The term, frustrating, is more than an understatement.
One of the things that people have to understand is the energy, which comes when we have felt the imbalance or imbalances. Being abused, mistreated, or hurt is an imbalance. Having someone steal your idea, energy, or work is an imbalance. It is a particular aura, that comes when a person has pulled from your energy sector, and pretend as if you are not even there. You feel the destruction, the tearing, the ripping. However, you can describe this shattering in your very Spirit. When lies were told against you, one feels the deadened energies, in their existence! It creates disharmony in how your character is presented to the masses.
Whatever wrong doings have been projected against you, its important to acknowledge to yourself, that your anger against them. . .is valid! And, whatever you need to do in order to express them, just know that you have that right. These responses of life’s not fair are nothing more than deterrents. Forms of emotional suppression, and manipulation, in order to get the underdogs to believe that they deserve to stay at the bottom. A tactic of indifference and manipulation, to silence those, who feel that something is uneven. The fact that others do not feel it, or care for its unevenness, is what motions them to label those, who do, as crazy. It is clear that the world has become more and more, insane.
Those of us, who feel imbalance and pain (whether it be our own, or others we know or don’t know) must consistently speak about the imbalance, disorder, and unevenness that we feel. Be vocal and doing it, without any shame. Because the truth of the matter is that life is supposed to be fair. Life in its natural state is. . .fair! It is so because the forces of Earth are aligned with that of the Universe. There is a balance to everything. What is taken is always restored. If the Universe operated in a state of unfairness, the would be destruction and disorder.
This whole notion of that’s life in the sense of injustice being allowed to reign is a lie. That humanity, or a person, must sit in silence and accept whatever abuses, or injustices, comes one’s way. . .is abuse. Its inhumane. Its a surrender of one’s very Soul. In fact, its worse than dying.
When it comes to re-balancing the energies and practices on Earth, we must remember to be consistent. If something was broken, stolen, or destroyed, it must be re-stored. That is the law of the Universe. It is how humanity restores sanity in societies, which are riddled with dysfunction. It is how we reclaim our. . . centeredness.
One of the greatest acts of love, is to bring re-balance back into the world. It means that when something has been stolen from us, we re-create, in order to re-claim it, back. That’s the irony of it all. It is not destruction, which allows for restoration. How important it is to align with the Universal way, when re-claiming our right to justice. We vocalize our truth, in order to counter the lies. We speak our existence. We claim our work, and the fruitions of it. We speak our worth, and value! This is the beauty of feeling even the slightest of disorders, as it compels us to act. Beginning the work.
When someone has stolen, taken, or laid claim to something of ours, it is human nature to speak about it. It is our right to initiate balance by speaking the truth. And, it is our natural right to re-claim what is naturally, ours. So, that life can be on the path of being. . .fair. That way when someone hears our tale of unfairness, they will say, that’s not fair. Now go re-claim it.