It’s difficult to determine if you’re doing the proper thing at the proper time, yet we keep going in hopes that we will properly guide ourselves.
The great Aristotle once said that people are what they repeatedly do. Thus, if you prefer to live a fruitful life, you need to have the proper habits and mindset. It must be noted, on the other hand, that humans as we are, we have faults which hinder us from meeting our full potential.
That’s where the need to improve ourselves comes into the picture. Through self-improvement, you can feel personal growth, help others, live a more meaningful life, pursue your passions, and generally have a greater sense of well-being and success.
But this task isn’t considered a walk in the park. The good news, however, is that there are plenty of straightforward lifestyle hacks that can help you on this journey. Here are just a few below.
1. Practice forgiveness
Before you consider this as some kind of dogmatic fluff, did you know that practicing forgiveness in your workplace has a positive impact? In a study that included 200 employees, forgiveness was associated with enhanced productivity, lowered absenteeism, and lower physical and mental health issues like headaches and sadness.
According to the report of Greater Good, this study is vital because it boosts our awareness of possible outcomes when the individuals we work with hold onto negative feelings after a fight. If they cannot cope through forgiving, they tend to be disengaged, act aggressive, and lack cooperation.
2. Replace time-management with self-management
By managing your life, priorities, and tasks effectively, you can seamlessly transition to more productivity, better personal well-being, and higher work satisfaction. Below are five ways you can reach your most ideal level of self-management.
Be alert of time-wasters like diverting phone calls, useless meetings, visitors dropping in your workspace to gossip, and anything else which obstructs your state of flow.
Determine the time of the day when you are most productive and concentrate your energy on performing the most important tasks during these times.
Set boundaries and learn to say no to people if required, so that your precious time is secured.
Begin and finish meetings on time and do not get sidetracked or permit the meeting objective to get seized.
Do not juggle or multitask too many tasks. Research shows that it can be detrimental to our attention span and productivity. You might end up dividing your attention over many tasks, losing concentration, reducing the quality of your work, and taking a much longer time to finish your goals.
3. Invest in others financially
Science has shown that a giving mindset results in happiness. In one Greater Good Magazine research study of over 600 Americans, happiness predicted by the figure of money they gave away. Simply put, the more you invested in other people, the happier you will be. That kind of relationship between happiness and pro-social spending holds up even after considering the income of the individuals.
4. Show more gratitude
Here’s how you can use your time practically with great benefits: create a list of five individuals at work for whom you’re very grateful. Recall the key contributions they have done or events which have occurred in the past week. Then, express your genuine gratitude to them. No matter what your method – phone call, note, handwritten, text, or email – make it personal and heartwarming. Allowing these people to see how you feel about them as well as their work will create a more dynamic and cooperative relationship.
In case you didn’t know, it’s been proven scientifically that when you do this ritual for 21 days straight, you will be training your mind to scan for positives rather than the negatives. This has been proven to be the quickest way to teach oneself optimism and significantly enhance your life outlook.
5. Take care of your body and mind
While you’re outward actions are necessary steps towards self-improvement, so are the ones you do for yourself. Taking care of your body, for example, will keep you clear headed and can significantly improve your mood and concentration. Removing refined sugars, drinking less caffeine, exercising regularly, and taking supplements and vitamins will keep you balanced and stress-free.
Supplements can also help improve your brain power and productivity. A supplement like Mind Lab Pro meets the complex needs of the brain along with its eleven nootropics working in six bio-pathways to streamline a wide range of cognitive functions for whole-life mental performance. This lifestyle self-improvement hack will surely improve the functioning of your brain.
There you have it — lifestyle hacks that can help you change yourself for the better. So tap into your full potential and live your life to the fullest!