“I saw the light. Then I saw the light,” a young man in spirit told me. His mother understood immediately. “My son was skateboarding when he hit a light pole and died,” she confirmed. These words, taken literally, are a matter-of-fact order of events. In the broader sense, however, these words call us to consider light from the perspective of the spirits.
When I recently replaced the bulbs in my kitchen fixture with LED daylight bulbs, I sang Blinded by the Light, when the switch was flipped. Due to a burned out bulb, I had been cooking with mood lighting. Now I wear sunglasses to cut carrots. This bright, unrelenting light threw all flaws into high relief - - scratches on the stove-top, a stained sink, dings in the paint and a crack in the tile. Short of a buying all new appliances and doing a complete remodel, I had to come to terms with imperfections. Bright light is like that. It brings clarity and clarity can be harsh.
As I looked upon my newly brightened kitchen, the highlighted damage reminded me that I learned how to cook (really well, by the way) during the pandemic. I thought about the new refrigerator with an ice-maker (joy, joy!) which replaced the frat fridge I was using. Yes, the new refrigerator dinged the wall when moved in, but it is worth it. The crack in the tile is from the Northridge earthquake (I obviously survived). On the day of the quake I was in my office at Disney helping organize relief for those at the company who were severely affected. All of the newly noticed flaws brought to mind life experiences where I learned to express love.
The light in the afterlife is like this. It shines only when love is present and love is always present. The clarity these intense light offers is made gentle by the love which brings healing to the damage and hurt caused when we have not loved ourselves and others. The spirits know this. They’ve seen that light and want to share it with us, in love.
I’ve started noticing light on purpose, not just as something that allows me to see generally. When I’m giving messages in a group or individually, the spirits use light to bring my attention to something - - almost like a spotlight which roams about as I’m working. At a recent spirit circle on Zoom, this light highlighted a cross on the wall behind a sitter. It had been a gift from one of the spirits giving a message. Spirits will also flash neon signs on the screen of my mind as I’m connecting. The Las Vegas sign is used to indicate that a sitter has mediumistic talent. Weird, I know. But perhaps it is because I love Las Vegas and I also love mediumship.
How might you allow the spirits to use light to help you? Here are some practical and easy ways to explore this:
1. Upon waking, set the intention to be willing to see what has been hidden or loved ones in spirit ready to appear. (This is a powerful intention, so be sure you mean it!!)
2. During meditation, pay attention to what you see with your eyes closed.
3. When you dream of a loved one in spirit, notice the colors. Are they intense, unusual? Bright colors that are “unworldly” often accompany a visitation.
4. Ask loved ones in spirit, guides and angels to highlight the people, places and things which can benefit from your attention. (You may notice a glow around people and objects. Yes, it happens.)
5. If you are asking for the spirits to guide you toward the next step in your journey, sit quietly and imagine some possible paths (no matter how challenging the circumstances). You may even want to imagine these possibilities on a map (as I’ve done). One of the paths may be indicated as though marked with a highlighter, or a solid line may appear on your visualized map.
6. Throughout the day or while writing in a journal, ask questions like: What can I do to love myself more? What relationship do I need to pay attention to right now? Where can I allow healing in my life?
7. When you reach the end of the day, reflect on what the spirits have made bright in your life and express gratitude.
I hope that you find these suggestions hopeful and helpful. As we move forward, may it be in love and light. Or perhaps it might be better said - - In light with love.