Every entrepreneur starts their business based on a great idea.
A passion for a product or service with a clear vision that supports their core values and a desire to make a connection with the community. It is the foundation for their success.
After a few years, we begin to find ways to enhance our strategic plan by learning new skills for the business of our business. It is about the same time that we look beyond the everyday aspects of running the company and begin to take a look at our personal life. Inner reflection…asking questions that continues our connection with the community and often leads to the creation of a passion project.
We experience a personal lightbulb moment!
Building a successful business creates an opportunity to develop both personal and professional skills. We often spend so many hours per week working that we forget to pay attention to self-care.
I’ve worked with many entrepreneurs who schedule personal time; not only with family and friends but with themselves! Carving out hours in the week when we turn off the business and dial-in to things that feed our personal energy and provide resources to face another day.
For some, it involves fitness classes, art school, joining a club or group activity. The only way we are able to commit to “me-time” is by committing to a schedule. The wonderful thing about participating in these activities is that they fuel our creative energy and introduce us to a new tribe.
Thinking outside the box is how most passion projects are born!
By definition, a passion project is something that you create by accepting a challenge while connecting with our community and giving something back.
I’ve seen the development of networking groups, clubs and special events that support and encourage a connection with like-mind individuals.
At times, they may lead to another business idea!
What starts out using our creative energy, takes on a life of its own and you find that your passion project has started a new business enterprise.
These ventures may be not-for-profit, others charge a nominal fee to cover costs. Fees that support marketing efforts and an admin team to continue the conversation.
My personal experience would be the #ShareYourStories series. A guest blog that features the entrepreneurial spirit. Athletes, authors, entrepreneurs and enterprise leaders who believe in the power of storytelling and share a little about their journey, lightbulb moments and three words of advice for current and emerging leaders. The platform is Mentorship…sharing stories to inspire great ideas!
At this point in time, this venture is being supported by sweat equity and a passion for the human spirit.
It is my contribution to support current and emerging entrepreneurs who have great ideas by starting new conversations through mentorship. It defies both age and gender. In our technology age, encouraging a human connection through an on-line portal.
We started our businesses with a vision to do things differently by offering a product or service to a specific market niche with the hope of future success.
This passion project is and extension of the dream and in the development stage, building a roadmap as we connect with like-minded individuals who encourage business innovation and support great ideas.
We invite you to join us by sharing your story!
Trish Tonaj is a Master Coach Practitioner, and Certifed Coach Trainer offering keynotes and workshops on Mentorship…Breaking barriers, starting new conversations and creating a new definition for success.