Crisp sponges varying in colour and size. and

I have also discovered that my values change.

The purpose of my values are to serve and shape me, each in their own way. Some values are life long, like kindness and compassion. Others are for specific chapters in my life, like graduating university with a solid education, getting experience working for someone or establishing financial security. All of these were once important for me but are no longer today. And that is okay.

The real inquiry is to examine the values that I have absorbed unknowingly from the circles and communities that I identify with. It can become easy for my preferences to become prejudices, where I risk discriminating unknowingly based on what I have absorbed. If left unchecked, what was once an idea can become cemented as a strong value, even if unconscious.

For example, I thought that I should only do a yoga teacher training program once I was more skilled and confident with a yoga practice. It was not until the first day of my yoga teacher training course, five years after I had been practicing consistently, that I realized I could have, should have, would have done the course in my first year.