Faulbach, 27.6.2016
I started the trip in Faulbach in Germany. I have been living at home, i have been climbing and mountenering, i went to swing dance and i hang with ex-school friends. In the summer of 2016 on a sunny day i went to the career – fair in Maribor. I introduced to my future company W&K. The very next day I get a call to work in Germany, that i have to leave right away. The very same day, i pack my suitcase, i fear a lot leaving home. On the way there I turn on my navigation system to know where exactly to drive. I arrive in main company in Faulbach. I sign a contract in German language for a German company. I did not know nothing German.
Freudenstadt, 28.6.2016
I come to the company side in Freudenstadt. The company describe there will be work in a dirty environment, some trucks on the field, converyor belts, grans, everything moving, peaces of iron transporting and so on. A company was nothing like that, it was clean. They produce compression machines for laminate, credit cards, electrical motherboard, etc. I was an assembler for the compress device for a project. I came to the mechanical assembly with my tools. I start working, drilling the holes, and assembling the machine. I have been thinking about my acomodation in an appartement and a coffee break. After the coffee break i thought about the end of work.
Neutraubling, 23.1.2017
I start to work in company in Neutraubling in Germany. I have been attending German integration course. I meet lot of foreighners there. We are learning German languge and basic conversation. We have been talking as less as possible in english, they made me to speak the German language. i have been using gestures, hands and foots, and they understand me. I felt accepted, emotionally, stable, i give myself to everybody i meet. In my spare time I learn german language. I find it good that everybody employed in a company was leaving in the same hotel. I did feel loonely anyway.
Königsbach – Stein, 21.3.2017
After two months after I had to change my place. I have to travel to the northeast of Germany. I have do fitness instead of integration course, which was a mistake. I thought that to integrate along training, and that was not a good choiche. I think when you chose the gym for integration it is a bad choiche, you are satisfied after your workout, but nobody is talking German there. Lack of confidence in german language start to show, I was scared to speak in German. I can say that I have worked good and I communicate, i understand everything, i did god work. When people speak fast I don’t understand, when speak slow I understand. As such a company gave me a lot security checkes. I did not follow them very good. Because of that i get redirected to new working place.
Spijk in Netherlands, 8.5.2017
I have arrived at the side of a big company in Netherlands. I’m accomodated on the side of the German border, and i was working over the border of Germany in Netherlands. I was workin night shift, from 6 til 6am. I suppose that will damage my bio – rithm. I suppose that is possible to manage over the time period of two weeks. My free time I used to integrate in the city, I hang outside, I listen and talk with people. When I came to work I understand and tried my best to work. I made a privat German courses and I have been improving my language skills. I was able to work twelve hours per day. I have lack of sleep. After two months the company was unsatisfied with my work, that I have been working slower comparing to my working colleagues. I was striving to balance my work and free time, and I priorotete my work. It was a weekend in Amsterdam with my collegues from Slovenia. In a few days from than I have become very bad review from company in Netherlands. As such I have to end the work in Netherlands. I travel to the another work.
Freudenstadt, 1.6.2017
A new work is in Bürkle in Freudenstadt in Germany. I accommodate in an Chinese Garten, Chinese accommodation suite, where I took the smallest room with a shared toilet and shower. I have been searching for bigger room or appartement. I am talking in German faster than usual. I meet my working college, first guy is a Bosnian, very well integrated and another person is Slovene, very strong worker. For the first job I used a screwdriver to fasten screws, after that I have been assemble the machine and their main components. I have change the appartement after two weeks into appartement with kitchen and living room. I have been working eight hours per day and I spend my free time to learn German language. I was going active in the gym, for two times a week i was training martial arts. After good month I have finished the work.
Uhingen, 28.8.2017
I arrived in Uhingen in Germany. I like the place. I was living half an hour from work, which I didn not like. I moved closer to work place. After a day of work i enjoy working, so i strive to be even better. I get a good review from a company.
Well, i felt very accepted in place where I stay in Goppingen. I have been motivated to talk and to make a friendshipnes with the owner. He gave me a nice place to stay and great company. I felt so much endorsed from him that two times passed really fast. After two weeks the work ended and I went to another place. I appreciated the owner to make my stay very nice.
Ditzingen – Heimerdingen, 29.9.2017
Then I went in Ditzingen – Heimerdingen near Stuttgart in Germany. I find accomodation near work, I drove ten minutes. I have been in Slovenia during weekend. After my car broke down I bought a new car, and after than the car have to be registered. According to the law I have to change the owner right away and i did that asap. I drove back in Germany and started working. I spoke a lot in German. Sometimes english, somethimes german. I come to work very motivated. After I get a call from my company that I HAVE TO END THE WORK I was really surprised. I drive to Faulbach to have a conversation. After than they cancel the contract. I went home.
Spodnje Gorje, 13. 11. 2017