Here we are in January 2021 and what a journey it has been to get here. 2020 was an unexpected rollercoaster, one that made us stronger and more resilient. As we embark on a New Year, some of us are back in lockdown and for others lockdown restrictions have been extended.
After a rollercoaster of a year, I am resisting the urge to hurtle myself into a New Year with all the pressures and commitments that it brings. Going slower and easing my way back into social media and digital devices. Becoming mindful of what brings me joy and becoming more selective on what I am consuming.
Turning the notch up on my self-care dial, especially with a lively toddler and no outside support. It is so important to take breaks and essential time out to recharge the batteries.
Based on the teachings of Robbins Madanes, there are six human needs that impact our behaviour and how we connect and develop healthy relationships. One key need is the need for certainty. Living in uncertain times, can be a trigger for those that need to feel secure and safe about the future.
If uncertainty is a trigger for you, it might help to write down what you need to feel certain in your daily life. Make another list and write down what you need to do or who you need to interact with, in order to feel certain. Are there daily rituals that you can practice to promote feelings of certainty?
As someone who likes to plan and be in control, I’m doing my best to surrender to what I can’t control. To do my best to let go of daily worries that do not serve me or will even matter in a week or a year’s time.
When my mind starts to pack its rucksack and go for an adventure of doom, I do my best to unpack my thinking and break it down piece by piece.
If your mind is feeling overwhelmed and you fall into Unhelpful Thinking Patterns, crumble it down into digestible pieces. Evaluate where the thoughts are coming from, are they your thoughts or someone else’s and are they helpful to you right now. Will it matter tomorrow, in week or next year?
While we are living in uncertain times, what is certain is that we have got through so much, and we will get through this again.
We are all in this together.