One of the most common barriers to meditation is “I don’t have time”.
In an average day, sometimes finding 15-20 minutes to sit and practice without distractions can be seemingly unmanageable. But there are other ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life. Specifically, in our commute.
Often in our commute we find ourselves lost in thought, worrying about the future, “I need to pickup my dry cleaning” “What am I having for lunch?” or lost in the past. Rarely do we take the time to appreciate and digest what is happening in the present, right before our eyes.
As you head on your commute, add an extra 5 minutes (if you can) and take your time moving to/from your destination. Look around you, take in what’s happening. You’ll find yourself noticing small details that you’ve overlooked before – the new Crossfit gym across from the subway station, the graffiti on the 3 train, or even the stick family on the back of the minivan in front of you.
And as you take everything in, don’t forget to breathe. Even a few slow purposeful breaths can change your mood.
Try incorporating this practice into your daily routine. Let us know how it goes.
Learn more about Journey LIVE, the first live guided group meditation app.