Challenges, we all face them, it’s how we deal with them that matters!
Life isn’t meant to be easy, and it would be boring if it was. Life is meant to throw challenges at us, this way we learn, we grow, and we build. When we are struck with redundancy, bereavement, financial strain etc. we are not being singled out, and we do not need to take this personally. It is human nature to feel that the world is against us, followed by the “how will I cope with this” repetitive message we then create for ourselves.
This is part of life, and it will not be the first or the last challenge to land on your doorstep! It is how we react to each individual situation which ultimately determines the impact to our mental and physical health. Only you can control your reaction, and sometimes no reaction is actually the best one.
Poor grades at school, yep! Childhood trauma, tick! Survivor of DV, hell yeah! Divorced, happily yes! Faced with being homeless, been there! Lost everything, yep! Parental bereavement, unfortunately yes. I have started over more than once, and I look at everything like a steep hill. I know the climb will be difficult, sometimes I will be on my hands and knees crawling, digging my nails in to pull myself up. There will be blood, sweat, and tears, but no matter what, I WILL get to the top of that hill! I will stand up there and admire the view, hands on hips, smiling for all to see.
Time is our biggest asset, and we don’t have time in life to feel sorry for ourselves, or to give up! Those in poor health or who have lost loved ones would give anything to have more time. We currently have that time, time to change the direction we are heading, time to put our wonder woman / wonder man pants on, just start by putting one foot in front of the other. You don’t have to be able to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
You can either stand in the corner, or get in the ring, and I would always recommend that you get in the ring. Face that challenge head on, and come out swinging, be proud of yourself, be your own cheerleader, you’ve got this! Today is another opportunity to start a new chapter, to make a decision, to face that challenge, and only you can decide whether to put yourself into first gear, or to slip easily back into reverse…