When it comes to burnout and losing motivation, no one is safe. Everyone has felt this way at one point in time, especially if they run a business. There are many ways to get motivated and avoid burnout but at the end of the day, everyone is different.
This means what works for you might not work for someone else. We talked to entrepreneur Los Silva and asked him for a few ways on how he avoids stress, burnout, and a loss of motivation.
What are your biggest distress tips?
- Leave and go for walks. Sounds silly but often environmental changes create a mindset change.
- Sit with your feelings until you realize it’s a mindset issue over exaggerating the reality. Practice being grateful.
How do you avoid burnout and a stressful day?
- No phone once I get home.
- Family time. Focused present time.
What are your main tips for a successful habit?
- Write down goals the night before, do in the morning. That builds a habit.
- Take care of your body and mind.
What keeps you motivated?
My family and the fact I get to be partners with my best friends and build amazing things. Being grateful makes it easy to stay motivated. Also, the gym!
What obstacles did you face to get to where you are now?
In 2008 I lost my first company and had to start over. Grew to build a few companies but left because the partnership was not great. Started from scratch again and grew to my biggest years.
How did you overcome these obstacles?
Focus and mindset. I think mindset is often overlooked. Thinking but acting accordingly. Staying dialed into a goal, a mission, and a vision.
Hopefully, this will help anyone who struggles with burnout or a loss of motivation. Figure out what drives you every single day and if you ever feel burnt out, take a step back and take a break. Stress and burnout are the main factors of self-destruction so be sure to eliminate those feelings right away.