There are really two key reasons to work with fitness coach and personal trainer David Michigan, some would even say there are three. Take a life-changing step toward improved physical fitness and health, that’s reason #1. With his help you can also use your time and effort, efficiently, to make major changes in your mental “condition,” the second reason.

third reason to work with David Michigan? He not only helps you unlock your
mind’s potential, he understands that you also have emotional goals, and helps
you reach them. With his assistance, you can have the emotional, mental, and
physical life thousands of people dream about but never enjoy. In the following
interview, he discusses the important process of losing weight by shedding
belly fat. It’s just one of the areas of improvement he focuses on. 

Q : You teach that a good diet is the key to fat loss. Can you provide details?

A : I see a lot of people who train, using weight training and cardio, or both, and they still carry excess fat. I see it every day. Even when you combine cardio and weight training, you must begin, and continue, a good diet. It’s important to understand exactly what you should eat, and what you should not eat, if you want to burn fat. 

Q : What is a “fasted state?”

A : You
can lose belly fat when you perform cardio in a fasted state. What this means
is, you do your cardio program in the morning, before eating any more food.
Your body then uses more of the fat to fuel your exercise, up to 20% more,
according to some research. Here’s an example: If you eat just 100 grams of
carbs before your cardio work, your body will use that as a source for energy.
If you really want to burn fat, eating before cardio means you’ll make little

Q : What do you mean by a “good diet?”

A : Look at just two key elements: carbs and fructose. Carbs provide a quick-energy supply that’s easy for the body to use, but the body and brain don’t need carbs. Your body does need glucose, which can be obtained from carbs, but can also be obtained from protein and fat (converted to glucose). This means, the lower your carb intake, the more the body uses fat for energy. It’s the foundation of the fat-burning process.

Q : What about fructose?

A : To
put it in simple terms, you should avoid fructose to help your body get rid of
belly fat. It’s true that organic fruit can be good for your health (fiber,
vitamins) but to lose fat it’s important to limit the intake of fruit. Fructose,
the sugar in fruit, activates an enzyme, which also activates other enzymes
causing the body to accumulate fat.

Q : You also emphasize “why” in all your programs? 

A : With weight loss, losing fat, changing your mental or emotional path, it’s essential for you to decide what you really want. You have to be very clear about that. Then, you can think about why you want it. This is something that is found deep inside every individual. I call it a “burning reason.” Most people don’t know the “what” and the “why.” But you will, as you find the clear path toward your goals.