A lot of folks are facing losing their jobs during COVID-19, from CEO’s to front line employees. These changes are often unexpected and hit hard.
Beyond the worry that comes from loss of income, the common thread for people is often the thought: “Who am I if I’m not in this role?”
We’re told not to get our identity from our work. That doesn’t change the fact that we do. It happens to all of us. What we do becomes blended with who we are. So, what’s the answer? This:
Your role does not define you. You define your role
Read that again.
The company you work for will be different without you. You, however, are not less without your company. The changes you’re experiencing will lead to more. You’ll grow. You’ll become. You will be able to look at this as an opportunity and then a stroke of luck much sooner than you think.
Take a moment to take stock of things that matter to you. What did you love about what you did? What would you like to be even better? What would your ideal role be in a new company? Do you envision yourself as an entrepreneur? What looks like something overwhelming and scary today can look like a gift in much less time than you think.
Mark this day down on next year’s calendar. Put a note to ask yourself if your life is better. Ask if you love your new role, if you were led to a better path, and if you’re a better version of you than you were before this change.
It’s amazing the difference a year can make. I’ve been there and done this calendar exercise myself. It was a fantastic reminder of how our greatest obstacles become our greatest opportunities.
I’m rooting for you.