Elizabeth Lampbert interviews a prominent Silicon Valley Lawyer, Louis Lehot.

What is the most valuable asset in your life? Is it your house, your 401K, that new car you just bought? Missing something, valuable? You might not initially think to add them on this list, but ask Louis Lehot and we would agree, family is precious and the most valuable asset in your life.

As we conclude another week of sheltering in place and self-quarantine in California, we are all forced to re-assess future prospects in life and in business. We asked Louis Lehot his thoughts on this.  

He said, “One should be reminded that family and friends are the source of comfort. Personally, as the father of two teenagers and a spouse recovering from cancer, I am trying to impart a sense of both security and comfort, even when I am sometimes feeling anxious myself.  It’s okay to feel scared, it’s okay to grieve about months of school, sports and social events cancelled, and it’s okay to be concerned about what will happen next.  I am trying to remind family and friends that “future tripping,” or imagining scenarios that would be uncomfortable, breeds anxiety and unhappiness.  I am also trying to stay present in the now by talking to friends on video, reading, studying, exercising, and focusing on how to redesign my daily life post-quarantine with greater intent and purpose.”

Image by Denise Husted from Pixabay

He added, “In my professional life, I am motivated to work with more healthcare technology entrepreneurs like the two clients I am working with who are feverishly working towards birthing new vaccine platforms for COVID19 and its progeny.  I am excited to participate in healing the wounds of the economic crisis by helping them raise funds, do smart deals, and bring new solutions to market.  I have also recently started my VideoBlog #AskASilcionValleyLawyer series on YouTube. Feel free to check out my video: How to Raise Venture Capital by Louis Lehot.”

As quarantine continues, let’s hope that family dinners across the country will continue, that families will continue to play games and watch movies together, and share a unity of purpose experienced across all parts of life. 

Louis Lehot is right, time is precious. When it comes to nurturing your most valuable asset, remember family relationships. Are the heart and soul of your well-being? They’re the thing that would hurt the most to lose, and you want to protect one of life’s greatest riches.


Elizabeth Lampert is a public relations and crisis communications strategist, freelance writer, mom, and daughter.