When I look back at all the things I have been through in my past most especially love relationships , indeed nothing lasts forever in life.
Things change and people change. You will never know whether someone you truly love and treasure is temporary in your life that any day or anytime they’ll Leave and you start a new life and even create new memories without them. .
You will never know that the love and care you give to that special person will one day be seen as nothing.
You will never know whether their promises are real or fake. You will never know whether those I love and miss you(s) will fade Away one day and turn into I hate you and other insults..
You will never know whether the sweet
name-callings like my prince charming, my love, babe, sweetie, honey, and many others will turn Into ugly names.
You will never know…
Bottom line:
When you find someone and you develop true feelings for them, please love them and give that relationship your best so that you don’t live with regrets in case they ever walk out of your life.
Enjoy and cherish every moment you get with them because you have no guarantee about tomorrow..
And if they ever bang the door to leave
your life, don’t block their exit. Let them go. And when they leave, don’t be so hard on yourself because that phase is also part of life. Learn to let go.