Why does finding fault with ourselves seem so much easier than complimenting our awesomeness? That changes with the loving energy provided by the Cancer Zodiac sign.
Cancer energy has the loving reputation for being nurturing, loyal, and sensitive. This highly emotional intelligent and pampering sign is just the needed energy boost.
Here are 3 ways to tap into Cancer energy to boost our life.
1. Nurturing
Cancer energy is all about being the mother hen of the zodiac sign. She loves family. She makes sure all of her relationships are supported and valued.
Utilize the nurturing energy of Cancer in every relationship!
- Apply this energy for new encouragement in dreams and goals.
- Apply this energy to adjust any negative self-talk or thoughts into sweet, supportive self-love messages.
- Apply this energy to finally forgive, and actually get over, any mistakes from the past.
- Is there a family member needing more support?
- Is there a family faux pas that needs forgiveness and mending?
- Is there someone (family or friend) who’d benefit from a positive shout-out or cyber hug?
- Use to smooth any workplace tension.
- Apply to dissipate the energy of lack and competition.
- Use Cancer energy to have greater understanding and the ability to smooth over any rough feelings or stress with peers, clients and bosses.
Wherever strain is lingering, use Cancer energy to nourish the relationship for quick and powerful repair.
2. Homebody
The Cancer Sign loves being home. The security of their comfortable surroundings provides a peace and tranquility. Use this energy for some much needed R & R.
- Review any sacred space, bedroom or sanctuary (even if it’s the bathroom). Are there areas needing adjustment so it feels like home is a safe haven?
- Got a corner or closet seems to be screaming for organization? Cancer will have that cataloged and composed in a jiffy.
- Maybe guilty of “burning the candle” at both ends? Use Cancer energy for taking and enjoying a guilt-free mental health day!
3. Emotional
This water sign embraces emotions. And, why not? Emotions are drivers. Anger leads down a squirrelly path of regret or fuels us into conquering that hill.
Cancer energy enables us to embrace our emotions so we stay focused and fueled as we successfully tackle our desires. Harness this trait and use all the way to success!
For example:
- Use excitement for completing projects
- Use passion to breath new life into love
- Use joy to inspire new dreams
Often an empath, Cancer energy allows us to confidently dive deeper into our intuitive voice.
We know where we want or need adjustments in our life. This is the perfect opportunity to trust our instincts and implement Cancer energy to manifest the desired changes and outcomes.
If you’d like to find out how intuitive you are before applying Cancer’s zodiac energy, please click here.