Money is evil. Money should be private. Don’t talk about money. These are some of the biggest mindsets on money in the home today. I’m here to say, this isn’t how one thrives. Every single day we as humans are concerned about money, whether it be consciously or unconsciously. When you go to work, we are trading our life (or time) for money. We do this to pay the bills, put food in our kid’s mouths, and have things we enjoy. The problem is, most households simply don’t have enough and don’t have the right mindset on money. I’m going to introduce you to someone who helped change the game for me, introducing to me, why money matters.

Every day you wake up, drink money, put money on your body, flush money down the toilet, eat money, put money in the gas tank, and on and on and on. If money didn’t matter, we wouldn’t use it every day, in fact, it’s one of the most essential parts of our life (after faith, love, family and baseball) as it’s constantly being exchanged for something we use, do or want to do. How is it evil? Why should it be private? Why don’t people talk about it? One word: Mindset.

The LOVE of MONEY is the root of all evil. This ancient Proverb doesn’t say money is evil, or desiring to earn more money is evil, it says one thing. The LOVE of money is the root of evil. If money was evil, it wouldn’t be able to buy an airplane ticket, a home to sleep in, and a school to build in a third world country. As a society, we have been taught to be envious, jealous, and doubtful of those with money. Those with money aren’t the problem, it’s the fact that our parents and school system never taught us to think properly on money. Money is an amazing tool that can be used for greatness, averageness, and evilness, it all has to do with your mindset.

I first started getting educated on how to create, multiply and earn income shortly after college. Sure I had my basic understanding of saving money for retirement and all that jazz. One day I said to myself that there has to be more than this, so I started to think outside of the box. Some reason I thought about rental income and did basic math and said to myself wow this could really work. Long story short I started talking with people who know the game, and many that didn’t. I realized that I could truly build a future through residual income with real estate, so I started to educate myself.

My first conference I ever went to, I heard this amazing speaker. He spoke on real estate, flipping money, wholesaling, how to start a business and legal tax strategies. It went on for 22 hours with the same speaker and my mind was captivated on the knowledge I was learning. Not only was this information life changing, but the person speaking was the greatest speaker I ever heard! I mean 24 hours in 3 days, he kept my attention like the words he was saying was caffeine. In the last 2 hours though, he changed my life. Cole Hatter started to give his life story which was hitting home as I felt emotions run through my veins. He started to speak on your why. This is where he started to reel me in to the true understanding of how to Make Money Matter. I will never forget what he said. “Have you ever heard that money can’t buy you happiness? Well what about when it allows you to fly to Haiti after an earthquake with doctors. While you are there you are working on injured boys and girls and one of the boy’s arms are blown off and both of his parents are dead. You’re standing their while the doctor is working on him and he smiles at you. He lost everything, and he is their smiling at YOU, because YOU were able to make a difference in his life. My friends, maybe money can’t buy happiness, but this moment made me one of the happiest I’ve ever been.”

Making Money Matter isn’t just about becoming a millionaire and learning how to make more money (although you will likely become one if you listen to those who have done this). It’s deeper than that. It’s about using your life, energies and tools to make a difference in the world. Whether that be changing foster care kid’s lives through Make-A-Change Inc., building schools in third world countries, preventing human trafficking around the world, or helping people get through cancer, you MUST understand the importance that money can have on helping you make this impact. What is your why?! We all have our kids, family, parents, siblings, friends who are our why, but I am asking you what is your deeper why. Dig deeper than the surface of what your why is, because when cancer strikes, problems arise, and a difference needs to be made, you will wish that you made money matter.

I don’t have a deep relationship with this amazing man and his family yet. But if there is something each and every one of you should do this year, it’s attend the Thrive Conference: Make Money Matter in Las Vegas in September. Cole Hatter puts the event on to help educate each and every one of you, to discover practical income-growing business strategies, creating positive impact in the world and leaving a lasting legacy. He brings the greatest business minds in the world together and helps you understand why you need to make money matter and how you can grow your income in order to make impact happen!