When was the last time that you made time to reflect on the astonishing, spectacular; some might even say the miraculous things that are happening all around you… Today? 

If you are like most people, your answer to that question will probably range from rarely… to never.

Just for a moment, take a deep breath… sit back… and consider the following miracles that are happening right now!!!

  • A woman with breast cancer just had her doctor tell her that she is in complete remission
  • A baby took their first step
  • A young boy and girl shared their first kiss
  • A soldier came home to the loving arms of his wife and children
  • A caterpillar morphed into a beautiful butterfly
  • The night sky provided a spectacular show of the northern lights
  • Flowers bloomed on plants and trees everywhere
  • A newborn foal stood for the first time
  • A toddler uttered the word “ma – ma” for the first time
  • Somebody reached into their own pocket to give money to someone who was hungry
  • Brave men and women put their lives at risk to protect their loved ones and their country
  • A total stranger helped an elderly person with their groceries
  • A person who had given up on life was saved by an unknown person on the other end of a telephone line 
  • A child rode their bike without training wheels for the first time
  • A baby bird took that leap of faith and flew from the nest
  • Firefighters risked their lives to save total strangers
  • Caregivers at a hospice helped someone leave in peace
  • A couple are holding each other’s hands, and saying “I do”
  • Another day… another moment
  • This list can go on forever… 

YOU… Are a miracle!!!

There are eight billion people that we share this planet with… and there is only one YOU.

I know that we live in a challenging fast paced, hurry up, I wanted it yesterday world. But sometimes we have to make the time to reflect on all the amazing things that we have. 

We are surrounded by sights, smells, tastes, textures, and sounds that are magical. 

The choice is yours… Always has been.

Remember… Every day is a gift, and the quality of your life is your gift to yourself.


  • Barry Gottlieb

    Author - Speaker - Success Mentor - Trusted Advisor

    Barry is sought after by organizations of all sizes to assist them in the following areas: *Leadership - *Strategy - *Execution - *Company Culture - *Time Management - *Emotional Intelligence. As the Founder and President of Coaching the Winner's Edge, Barry has built a successful practice offering counsel and guidance to both private individuals and corporations. In addition, Barry is a successful author and speaker. His books are: "TGIT-Thank God It’s Today". - "Every Day Is A Gift". - "Brilliant on the Basics...a Playbook for Business Leaders". Barry started out his career as an educator... First a school teacher and  Principal; and then as an instructor at Santa Fe Community College, and the University of Florida. During his time at the university, Barry experienced a life altering challenge. He was diagnosed with terminal cancer and was given just 3 to 6 months to live. His story of recovery and the paradigm shift that it created in his life was the inspiration for his first book, "TGIT - Thank God It’s Today". Shortly thereafter, Barry decided to make a career and life style change and left teaching to enter the world of business. This he says, “Is where my real education began.” He and his partners built a very successful $75 million international company from the ground up, that they later sold for $55M. Barry shares the the wisdom and insights of building a very successful company... and culture, in his latest book: "Brilliant On the Basics... A Playbook for Business Leaders". Barry's Mission: To inspire and empower others to reach their full potential.