Maybe you, like me, are feeling a bit of uneasiness and anxious over the coronavirus flare-up. All through the week, I kept checking my temperature multiple times indeed, in spite of the fact that it remains a cool 97 degrees. Whether you are having a difficult time being alone, stressed almost your family, spiraling over the common state of the world, at least you are far from coming in contact with the virus. The most important thing to do is to communicate in the current situation. If you are dealing with mental health issues due to the lockdown, then there are few apps that can offer assistance and certainly make you feel a lot better.
In a world driven by machines, humans are losing emotions and often tend to fall out of place because they lack the strength to control. Mental health can be a roller coaster ride because most of us do not possess the tactics for mind-control. There are various thought patterns that one might not be able to address and that is why help needs to be chosen through technology in user-friendly ways. There are many options that you can explore, so keep your options open for solace during the times of this Corona Pandemic.
Here are a Few Apps that You Need for Your Mental Health During this Corona Virus Lockdown-
Talkspace- Talkspace is maybe the most well-known text-based advanced therapy company. This can benefit and can connect you with one of its online advisors and offers text-based communication, sound and video informing, and live video sessions. Costs run from $65 per week to $99 per week depending on the mode of communication. Talkspace does take a few forms of protection and insurance. However, given the circumstances, you’ll discover it worth a shot. This is one of the best apps that you can find for your mobile phone. If you are looking forward to a good person to person video sessions then this is the app for you.
Brightside – This is the second in the list and a very effective app. Brightside can connect patients with online psychiatry therapy and treatment. It begins with a free assessment and after that sets you with the proper proficiency depending on your needs and agreed-upon frame of treatment. Psychiatry is $99 per month; treatment is $165 per month; a combined bundle of both is $240 per month. Brightside does not, however, take insurance. Very easy to use as well.
Breathe2Relax– A basic, instinctive, and alluring portable app planned by the National Center for Telehealth & Innovation to instruct breathing procedures to manage stress. The aptitudes instructed may be connected to those with anxiety disorders, stress, and PTSD. This app can be set according to a pace that the client finds unwinding; incorporates a video demo, reading materials, and charts to outline individual advance. Supportive for self-starters or those working with a specialist to incorporate breathing procedures in their by and large treatment.
Doctor on demand – Doctor on demand is a wide online well-being app that gives pressing care as well as behavioral well-being suggestions. For $129 you’ll meet for 25 minutes with a therapist (it too has 55-minutes sessions for $179). There’s no membership, so you’ll choose these sessions as you wish. The app company acknowledges and recognizes numerous forms of insurances.
Headspace –For anyone anybody who needs to focus and to decrease anxiety and stress and move forward their mindfulness this is a great app if you want to meditate. The abilities of the app help you with concentration and cognitive dissemination, breathing workouts and to relax most of all. The app can help you with a step by step process where you can practice how to calm yourself down. This app does an awesome job of portraying essential concepts with basic innovative concepts that show a user-friendly way to think positive. This app can help you with basic anxiety and thought issues and patterns and proven to benefit many users throughout the world. It is very easy to install and to use. If you are looking for an easy solution to control your thoughts then this is just the app for you.
Mindshift- The app is made to help fight social anxiety disorders, phobias, and panic attacks. It will also help you handle test anxiety, emotional anxiety, and perfectionism. One can easily benefit from Mindshift as it teaches individuals with the behavioural, cognitive, emotional and physical state. You will know about a list of things from the app that will help you cope with your anxious state of mind. At the moment anxiety can be directed to “Quick tips” that are provided as strategies in the app. The app is used by people from all around the world and it is a very popular app when it comes to facing your fears and overcoming challenges through your mind.
Fighting anxiety and balancing your mental health is a concern especially at times like this when a person is under lockdown and there is hardly enough to do. When your mind is not occupied much you tend to all in to trap with anxiety and overthinking. To address these false thoughts one has to be aware of various machines that are incorporated in the above-mentioned apps. Therefore one needs to know what to look for when they are downloading the app, rather which app is really useful for them. It can be a tough choice and matter of great difficulty to go through options and get more confused.
This is why the list of apps mentioned here is structured and designed with easiness and any user can just download them and start following. If there is any way one can find solace through these apps is by sticking through the instructions. These apps are available for both android and iOS. If you are looking forward to a good start with your thought patterns nada want to feel free these apps can help you during the current scenario.