Becoming a manager in a multinational company has been in the last decades a very hunted goal for many professionals. Some needing confirmation, some chasing the power of decision to expedite deliveries, create value and make a significant impact on the company’s growth and on their and their teams’ career paths. It’s been a race of the multinationals to attract and (very few) to retain top talents. Digging in different locations, low cost or high end, ensuring good to outstanding compensation packages, the companies have gone below impossible in reinventing the footprints and business models, centralizing and decentralizing P&Ls, moving people around the globe or, for many, managing them out, in very many cases, real talents that have not met the rigid criteriae of the deciding powers. There are thousands of talented and experienced people, with qualified competencies and high capabilities that have been put out on the open market. Some re-learn to have interviews, some become small entrepreneurs, some go for smaller companies (where they can bring value but can not perform at their best potential). In all this storm going different directions on the globe, depending on best taxation models, there are elements that people should always stay resilient in and it proves, most importantly in managing life and not necessarily (re)becoming a manager at work. The key challenge is in fact to develop the organic sense of life management, which goes far beyond preserving yourself as an individual or building some savings buffer (which are critically important as well). We live times when people go back to basic activities (I saw people quitting good positions in big companies to start baking and selling bread), times when people are eager to travel and know new people and places (so many families living and traveling around the world), times when people are open to making career changes, which involves continuous learning. These are the people of the future and the most important lesson we need to take is that these people show that life management is the most important skill we need to develop to live a healthy and fruitful life and ensuring our own readiness for the future picture of work and personal life reset. There are few basic points that we should program in our background system, regardless at what point we are in, to keep us ready to access the life management’ benefits. Program them now!
1. Build on your strengths
2. Invest in learning
3. Do the right thing
4. Care about people
5. Keep it simple