You feel exhausted while coming to the office, and everything in your life happens to like as if anyone forces you to do all the things you don’t want to do or feel irritation by repeating it.
Whatever happens in your life becomes boring, and you seem to have no interest in it.
As if these are not enough, COVID-19 did more economic damage than any natural disaster, which ultimately created a fear of mid-career crisis.
There is a fear inside you to become outdated in your corporate life as new talents can do the work with more energy and technical knowledge in half salary.
The mid-career crisis can hit you at any point and moment of life, and no matter how satisfied you are in your career early, it will make you feel dissatisfied in the later stage.
Pandemic changed our views towards life
Take an example of the COVID-19 Pandemic, where we have seen the crisis beyond imagination.
Companies are shutting down, which were unbeatable once, and skills became useless and proved Darwin’s Evolution theory again.
“Survival of the fittest” hit hard in this Pandemic, and most of the professionals have no clue how to cope with such sudden change.
Nobody saw this coming, and it changed the whole perspective we had about our life.
Many of them are scared of losing the job at any moment, and it’s hard to find a new job or changing career in the middle of the age.
You have discovered so many unanswerable questions that are hard to answer and will distract you from working life.
The reason behind it is that everything becomes predictable in your life, like what you will do on the given task, and the exact result will be known much before the end.
The challenges, actions, response, and effects all are predictable, and even your senior feedback.
Excitements will end when everything becomes predictable because of the comfort zone in corporate life and due to which you stop learning new things.
It doesn’t matter if COVID-19 was not present before or not, but the bitter truth is most of us face a mid-life career crisis somewhere in life.
There is no way to escape it, and we have to deal with it, but that doesn’t mean it is the end of everything.
There are so many ways to deal with it successfully.
Taking a break

It is the first step that everyone should consider those facing a mid-career crisis, but that doesn’t mean quitting the job.
Just take a break from your busy schedule for someday and analyze life by identifying the true self inside and spend some quality time with your people.
After the years of hard work, you deserve some time for yourself to relax.
It will help if you take breaks not only from your professional life but also from personal.
Maybe you want some time for yourself after the office, or perhaps from the office.
Decide yourself where and when you want to relax and with whom.
Like a machine, humans also need to recharge themselves; after all, we all work to live not live to work.
It happens
There is no point in feeling like an underachiever that you could have done better and differently as it’s just an illusion of your mind.
Most of us are working in the corporate sector, and due to a hectic work schedule, there is no refreshment.
We saw such crises in 2008, and again in 2020, and God knows the future.
Sometimes, we see mass layoffs, and someday only a single person loses his/her job.
Life is unpredictable and will be, but don’t waste time in fear of losing something.
Unnecessary worry will cause more problems and distract you from everything, which could severely affect your personal and professional life.
Purpose of your career
Try to make a conversation with your trusted person, or even if you don’t want to share your feelings with anyone, think about the current position and how hard work you did to reach this point.
Think about your contribution and growth, and it will help you find the meaning of your career by reminding the moments you did something different that helped you to grow.
If necessary, try to change the career.
You can’t sit idle without any purpose in your career; otherwise, be ready to face unpredictable problems like COVID-19.
We see that no industry is strong enough to counter a situation like Corona Pandemic.
Who knows in the future, maybe a virus deadlier than Corona will arise and will take more lives.
That’s why we need to prepare ourselves from the beginning to survive even the most robust phase of our lives.
Consider a career in a field that solves our daily needs.
For example, the Healthcare and FMCG industries largely remain unaffected because they are fulfilling our daily needs.
We understand you may not have any interest in any of these two sectors, but there are other scopes available.
We have mentioned the two because these two are inevitable parts of our life, but you need to dig deeper.
For example, social media companies are still in the business because we need them for better communication even though they are also affected by COVID-19.
It’s because they fulfill our essential requirements, which is called communication.
The thumbs up rule for survival is either fulfilling a vital requirement or creating a condition without which people can’t imagine the life.
You can either choose a job or start a business, but make sure you follow the above rule.
Active socially
Sometimes making contact with our old colleagues or friends can remind some of the best memories and changes in life, which give some emotional support.
It will make feel that we have so many people in life who remember and like us and also making contact with old friends expands your network, which is helpful at some point.
Yeah, we know after Pandemic, our social life can’t be the same as it used to be.
Just because we can’t go outside, doesn’t mean we should stop connecting with our near and dear.
To be honest, social life doesn’t mean you will go to attend a party or celebrate weekends in a pub with your friends and colleagues.
The meaning of social life has changed; good or bad, it helped us to explore the real sense.
Gathering at a place and gossiping about something is not productive at all, but we mistook it as a social life for our whole life.
In this rat race, we make ourselves so busy that we forget about others.
Helping someone who needs it most or involving yourself for a social cause will boost your morale.
When you do something which will help others, a feel-good feeling rises inside that automatically boost your confidence.
Focus on health
We are already facing a lot of health problems, and as if these were not enough, the Pandemic came.
Doing exercise became an essential part of our life, and we should not do for the sake of showing or passing the time.
Real fitness is essential for survival, and Coronavirus proved that most people don’t have strong immunity.
If we start working out or Yoga, it isn’t easy during the initial phase as we are not acquainted.
However, if we set small targets, this will help us to achieve the bigger fitness goal.
Most importantly, you will get rid of the feelings of aimlessness, and also it will improve your concentration and working capabilities.
Completing the target within a specific target time will boost your confidence again that you had in your early stage of life and will ultimately give you the courage to set bigger goals in life.
Try something new
Sometimes doing something new will give pleasure to our mind, and it can be anything like painting, writing, workout, or whatever you like to do or unable to do in your life due to the pressure from your job.
We live in the side hustle era and have seen countless examples of people making it as their fulltime job after sometimes.
Having an additional source of earning is always helpful, and financial freedom is not just a fancy social media topic.
We already saw how tough it’s not to have an additional source of income, especially in Pandemic like situation.
Even you can give a chance to your entrepreneurial dream (if you have) by taking calculative risks and who knows if it will become a huge success!
Final thought
The mid-career crisis is just a part of life, and it is not permanent, but staying stuck with that feeling will lead to a depressing experience that will damage you both physically and emotionally.
There are lots of things that you can do in one life, and even if you are still not satisfied with your career, discuss with your dearest one and prepare yourself for some tough decision to do the things you want to do.
Because in the end, life is the most precious thing we ever have.