Managing your time and money is sometimes viewed as a daunting task. It can become even more frustrating when adding on the responsibilities of family, work life, all while taking preventative measures to battle the Corona Virus. As a single mother and an active duty military member, I know first-hand the struggles of balancing time and managing money. Prioritizing and having focus is vital when trying to manage time and money for yourself and your family. Here are some tips that you can use to balance family life during this pandemic.
1.Budget Your Money
With everyone in a frenzy buying up toilet paper, wipes, and various food items, it is important to make sure that your family has an adequate stock of supplies. Most places that seem to be affected are major grocery stores. Many membership-only warehouse clubs like BJ’s offer items in bulk. This is important because we don’t know exactly how long the Corona Virus pandemic will last. While the kids are out of school and some parents are working from home, having things in bulk will allow families to “stretch-out” items longer than normal (without having to restock). Another good idea is to shop on local marketplaces like OfferUp, FaceBook Marketplace, and Letgo. Local marketplaces are where consumers can purchase items locally from basically surrounding neighbors. Shopping this way allows you to save money while getting the things you need.
2. Manage Time by Creating a Schedule
Many families have been home-schooling their children since schools have closed. Creating a schedule will help you keep track of daily and weekly tasks. To remember daily routines write them down in a calendar, on post-it notes, set alarms on your phone, etc. Another good idea is to shop online, especially if you have trouble finding certain items in stores. By having your groceries delivered, not only will you save time, but you can also find great deals that may not be available in stores. Another way to manage your time is by meal prepping. This comes in handy when you have a very busy work week. By meal prepping during the weekend, you save time during the week to conquer other tasks.
3. Pay Attention to Detail
To reduce and prevent the spread of COVID-19, it is vital that we constantly clean behind ourselves. By washing our hands for at least 20 seconds as well as wiping down frequently touched objects can help prevent outbreaks. We all know that young children are prone to get into some not so clean areas sometimes while playing inside and outside of the house. By paying attention to detail, you can keep your children safe.
Mature adults, over 60, are also at a higher risk of becoming infected. To protect our senior citizens, one thing we can do while out is wipe down the shopping cart before and after use. While at home, wiping down door knobs, kitchen and bathroom sinks, etc. will help keep germs at a minimum.
4. Be Engaged
For you and your family’s sake, be aware of current events. By being conscious of what’s going on, you will know how to act and when. Social distancing is key while out with your family. For example, if you have a family of six and an establishment only allows ten people inside, then your family may not be able to enter. Another example, some states are currently implementing curfews. By knowing if your city and state are affected by the changes will help you plan and organize your daily tasks. Planning for the safety of your family will help protect them in the long-run.