The technology should help to simplify the process and in sharing information. You should use software that allows you to record the meeting if you need to. The choice of software that you use will determined the objectives you have for the meeting. For example do you need to see everyone? If so, you need would need a video conferencing application. Do you need everyone to work on one document? Will there be a presentation during the meeting? How many people need to be in the meeting? The tools you choose for your meeting will be determined by these needs. This will determine the tools used. Make sure that documents and spreadsheets can shared. Most meetings benefits from products that provides both video and audio functions.
During the meeting if you are using video conferencing. Be careful not to have a second meeting going on in the chat. As it can be a distraction from the actual meeting. Make sure it’s muted so there is no notification sound. The chat can also be used for asking questions during a presentation.
Make decisions as a team about muting of audio and video during meetings. It is sometimes helpful especially in larger meetings. To have attendees mute their audio unless they wish to speak. For smaller meetings with a few participants everyone can keep their audio on. As this would allow the conversation to flow more easily. For a larger meeting, having everyone unmuted could lead to chaos. If one of the participants is doing a presentation. Good manners would dictate that everyone mute their microphone
A good rule is to allow for everyone to unmute once they can all be seen on the screen at the same time. There are also tools that can block out any background noises. For those people who live with many others especially children and animals. Unexpected noises can erupt at any time.
Everyone should try to keep their video on unless there is a very specific reason for not doing so. This way it is easier to tell when someone has something to say by reading their non-verbal cues. Instead of waiting for them to make a verbal interruption. Turning off your video can be seem as rude unless you are having video issues. But it’s good to remember that even if you aren’t speaking people can see you. So avoid spending too much time on your phone, talking to a person who are not in the meeting. Or generally being inattentive. An exception is for those persons who are just observing in a large meeting. And who have no intention of contributing to the discussion.
As you don’t get up and walk around in a meeting in one location it is unacceptable to mute your audio and video. And do other things while the meeting is going on. Get feedback from your employees and use it to improve your meetings. Make sure there are no problems for participants in getting into the meeting. Or getting an opportunity to contribute.
There are some things which the Meeting Lead has no control in remote meetings. One of those is the WiFi signal and the other is background noises. Try to ensure that the meeting is being held when there is no construction. Or other loud noises taking place but this is not always avoidable.