Now this, ladies and gents, is one of my favourite subjects to talk about!
I get super excited about the subject of manifestation, I love the magic of believing that you can create so much in your life, so much joy, so much fulfilment, so much peace, so much connection, love and wonderment to be had, yes, this is YOUR life I am talking about here. Whoop!
As humans, we are so flipping amazing! We have the potential to be the creator of our own lives. In fact, it’s not that we have the potential, it is what we do, whether we know it or not! That means your destiny really is in your hands! It is so easy to forget what magnificent beings that we really are! We often get so bogged down by the day to day of life that we forget to live, I mean like really live, with passion, awareness and consciousness. You may find that much of the time you’re not living in the present moment and you are thinking of one million things all at the same time, that’s when you are missing what is actually going on right in front of you. You could be missing all of the small blessings and wonderments of life! We would really benefit from knowing how to use the powers of our minds to create lives that we all love.
How would it be for you if you consciously created your life? In times when you are co-creating your very existence, magic really does happen. You feel joyful, you feel connected, you find yourself being content even when doing the simplest of things. It’s in these very moments you are in the perfect ‘state’ to be manifesting.
Now, first thing is first, let’s talk about The Secret! If you haven’t read it I would go and have a gander, it’s fab! It really is a great place to start with regards to the powers of manifestation. The thing about The Secret and other ‘Law of Attraction’ books is that I believe you have got to release the trauma, the anxiety, the negative self talk, limiting beliefs, before you can manifest this awesome magical life. See the thing is, when you know how to manage your thoughts it is true that you can create anything that your heart desires, but you really have to believe that you are worthy, that you deserve it and that you’re good enough!
Most people try and manifest something that they want through focusing on their lack of it. You attract what you ARE not necessarily what you WANT. You need to remember that your attraction device doesn’t turn off when you’re feeling negative, the more powerful the emotion that you are feeling the more you attract of it!
I have run many vision board workshops and manifestation events and what brings in really amazing results is not just knowing what you want, you need to know the steps to get to where you want to be whilst enjoying the journey. As the saying goes, ‘success is not a destination; it is a journey!’ I remember always thinking ‘I’ll be happy when I’ve got this or I’ll be happy when I achieve the other’. Crikey! How much time did I waste not being present and realising that everything was working out perfectly? Just as it needed to and as it still needs to for me to learn exactly the right things at the right time for me and my journey.
I am going to give you a few basic tips to get you going;
- Get CLEAR on what you want.
- Visualise it.
- What do you need to believe to get yourself there?
- What will you feel about yourself when you get there?
- Who will you help when you’ve achieved your goals?
- Write down 3 journey goals that will be signs that you are on the way to manifesting your dream life?
- Make sure you are focusing on what you want and not what you are lacking.
- Visualise it again! 😉
- Be grateful for that which is yours already!
- BELIEVE it is on its way.
Come on, YOU GOT THIS!
If you would like to be mentored by me, to help you to manifest everything that your heart desires, then my group coaching programme launches in February. DM me if you would like the details.