Dogs naturally enrich our lives from making us laugh, to helping us walk more, to making us better people.

It’s no secret my dogs own my heart, I certainly need no convincing on the unparalleled relationship between human and animal, but for all you non-doggy owners, sharing your life with a dog could be one of the best things you can do for your health and wellbeing!


· Dogs are wonderful motivators for getting us moving, socialising and engaging with nature.

· Dog owners experience fewer health problems. Just stroking a dog can reduce the person’s blood pressure and heart rate (while having a positive effect on the dog as well).

· Dogs make “Pawesome” therapists and help you be less stressed, calmer, more mindful, and more present in your life!

· Dogs create a sense of closeness and wellbeing within families they offer unconditional friendship to kids and make them more active, secure, and responsible. Children who are raised around a dog are also less likely to have allergies.

· Dogs offer wonderful companionship for the elderly as well. They can help you feel more social and less isolated and add meaning and purpose to your life.

· You may detect cancer sooner, dogs have the most amazing sense of smell Groundbreaking medical detection dogs are teaching science of a few things or two these dogs are saving lives detecting, seizures, diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

· You’ll feel safer! Dogs can be an effective early warning home security system!

So, is it any wonder that the bond that began 15, 000 years ago between man and dog still exists today? Dogs have extraordinary effect on our health and wellbeing! Their ability to make us laugh with their crazy antics, listen to our troubles, dogs never judge, they only help us feel needed, they offer unconditional love and trust and warm paw to hold, in exchange for a mere stroke, a loving home, a walk, decent meal and a warm bed. The only downside to Caring for “man’s best friend” is it’s a full-time and expensive commitment, that will last for many years, and you must be ready and willing to take on all that comes with this responsibility! When you do, it’s likely you will be richly rewarded with one of the most amazing, deeply satisfying, loving, and worthwhile relationships you’ll ever experience.