We’ve all heard the advice a thousand times before that you just need to eat less and move more to lose weight and specifically belly fat. Maximilian Yuan Schneider has come up with a unique fitness program called the Sixpack Desk Warriors.

What makes Max’s fitness program unique is that its philosophy on health and fitness is focused on helping you become the kind of person who has the right lifestyle to reach your health and fitness goals instead of a quick fix 10-12 week program that many other fitness gurus try to sell. He challenges the eat less and move more approach because as he says” you can’t save a drowning man by telling him to start swimming.”

Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to focus. 

It has become quite unpopular to believe in the reformatory capability of being focused in a world that is governed by fast-pacing success mode. The current scenario of the competitive world forces the principle of multiplicity in our day-to-day existence. We are so engrossed in our ambitions that we generally tend to forget the correct and lasting methodology to attain the benefits of a successful life says Yuan.

You are living in a fast-paced world where you can get distracted easily by a lot of things every day. You can try everything but if you lack focus in your life, it is pretty impossible to become successful. Being focused is undoubtedly going to make you feel more positive and controlled in your life. Knowing what’s important in your life will be the seed that will determine where you want to be. The skill is in being committed to achieving your goals. By focusing on the aspects of attainment will clarify what you have to do. You have to remember that you will have to sustain your focus to become more productive and achieve your dreams, so keep working at it.

The Six Pack Warriors program increases your metabolic flexibility and metabolic rate through a 3 phase process.

  1. Create awareness of your food habits compared to what healthy food habits should look like
  2. Learn a basic understanding of nutrition. Yes, this means counting macronutrients and weighing your food for a period of time. However, this is only a means to an end. Instead, it provides hard data on your eating habits so you can make healthier decisions
  3. Put it all together. In this final phase, you combine everything you’ve learned from the first two phases to learn intuitive eating and achieve food freedom!

Access to a gym or even getting motivated to go to the gym is one of the biggest barriers people face that prevent them from improving their health and fitness. No gym? No problem, Max hasn’t stepped into a gym for more than 2 years! He created his program so you can do it from anywhere, even when you are short on time and get amazing results. This is especially useful right now during the pandemic, but let’s be honest we will still spend way too much time at a desk even after the pandemic.