Nikki Blakely-Simmons is an author, a Professional Speaker, Trainer, ExerMony Coach and Chief Success Mixologist. She is also the Founder of the Mixologist Institute of Success. Where she helps people re-discover the core essence of who they really are. The end result is that they unleash their inner power to create the life they so desire. She helps people “mix up something great”. She is also the Vice President of Women Leadership Network Of Atlanta.
I had the wonderful opportunity to interview this phenomenal woman.
CP:Who is Nikki at her core?
Nikki at her core? I am a Woman of God first and foremost. It is God that planted at the core of my being and because of that, I am able to live out my purpose and be the woman that He desires me to be. At my core, I am a lover of people. My life goal is see families stay strongly united, building wealth and creating legacies that will transcend beyond time. The core of Nikki is to help save, change and transform lives by teaching others how to discovery their purpose and walk boldly into their success.
CP:What made you pursue becoming an entrepreneur?
I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit from a young age. My reasons for wanting to be an entrepreneur when I was younger was the freedom to express myself creatively through the gifts, skills, talents and treasures that God had blessed me with. However, as I grew older and wiser and I truly began to walk in my purpose, God helped me to understand that the desire he placed upon me for entrepreneurship was on a much grander scale that what I initially believed. God’s purpose for me being an entrepreneur is to give a gift, save, change and transform lives…one speech at a time…one training at a time…one coaching experience at a time…one special event at a time. God blessed me with many skill sets so that I could follow His footsteps as He leads and guides me in my true purpose of entrepreneurship. It’s because of God that I pursue not just being an entrepreneur, but an entrepreneur of effectual change!
CP: What advice do you give women who want to become an entrepreneur?
My advise to women who desire to become an entrepreneur is to go deep within and spend some quiet time with themselves and their higher power and know without a shadow of a doubt that they have been “called” to a specific line of work. Not everyone is purposed to be an entrepreneur. Success in entrepreneurship comes when there is a need for your gift, talents and skills; when you have been called to do a specific work and when your passion for the work is strong and robust at all times. When all of these things align, then you know entrepreneurship is the right path for you. And my next bit of advice is never try to take on entrepreneurship alone. Collaborate and partner with like minds, higher minds and creative minds that can help move you into next level success.
CP: What is a Success Mixologist?
First, let’s start with the definition of a Mixologist. A Mixologist is one who creates and pushes the limits of creativity to come up with a desired product or result. I am one who pushes the envelop through my creative training, coaching and mentoring programs to help others mix up something great in their personal and professional lives; thus I am known as the Chief Success Mixologist. My life goal is to see as many people in this world achieve success in every area in their lives and then be in a position to help others duplicate the same success; thus creating a ripple effect of thousands of individuals living their absolute best lives according to God’s will for them.
CP: Share one piece of advice you would give to women about going after their dreams?
First, learn to dream in color so that you can gain a true, defined understanding of your purpose. We can dream and “think” we have been called to do a thousand and one things; but the truth of the matter is, God has gifted us to make our initial impact on the world in one area, one space, with one demographic. Know your area, know your space, and know your demographic exceeding well. When you conquer that, then run towards your dream with passion, confidence and with profound diligence.
CP: What is next for Nikki?
I am a firm believer that you do not reveal your hand before your next move is 100% solidified, so I will just say be on the look out for some awesomelicious products, services and programs from your Chief Success Mixologist. I am always in my kitchen of life “mixing up something great” and I look forward to sharing with everyone what God has purposed for my life and my business with others at the opportune time.
CP: How did the name Dynamic Duo come about?
After about a year and a half of being partners with Evelisse Jones and seeing the profound impact our business was making on our community, it fell into my spirit that we were a pretty awesome Dynamic Duo and thus the name was born. Evelissee Jones, the Puertorican Princess and Nikki Blakely-Simmons, the Souther Belle are face of Women Leadership Network of Atlanta and together we are the DYNAMIC DUO!
CP:How can others connect with you?
I can be reached at [email protected] or [email protected]