I am listening to H.E.R. singing “Baby can you focus on me” and realize that is my anthem to myself. I am my own baby and I am focusing on me.

I have heard that life is just like an airline and we must put our own mask on before assisting others.

It takes 40 days to form a habit. My 40 days began on September 8, 2019 and will end on October 18, 2019, an auspicious day for I will marry Natalie Devora and we become the Devormonifas.

A bit of context, I am a 62 year old retired blesbian and our blended family has three children, 24, 18, and 16 years old. We both have exes we co-parented with.

So as in all life there can be drama. But it is all in how we react to it. I am in a two-year program to be a licensed Practitioner with ElderPride, a focused ministry in the Centers for Spiritual Living.

It’s all about love, learning and forgiveness for me. My mantra that ties it all together is: #MeFirst. To love myself, to practice self-care, to put on my “spiritual” mask first.

For as much as it is in my nature to be a caretaker, to rescue, to heal, to help, I must first take care of myself, for if that is not done I am not of use to myself or anyone else.

Self-love is my key, my mantra, my call to action. For if I do not love myself first I am incapable of loving anyone else.

#MeFirst coupled with the The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz with Janet Mills:

  1. Be impeccable with your word
  2. Don’t take anything personally
  3. Don’t make assumptions
  4. Always do your best

This is my life, now and forever more. And so it is.
