Be careful with your words. Take care with the words, you will have written. Treasure life-sustaining energy within them, and color them in the right way of your Spirit. When bringing ink to sound, one must remember to protect that sound; its shape, design, patterns, color, texture, and very presence. As writers, we should never be careless with our sounds. Our job is to protect mental clarity and visions for our readers. We must be careful with their sensory. Crafting our written patterns, where they feel the settings, discourse, and characters. While guarding words, we don’t cheapen them. We never void their richness. If we have to delay completion in order to find it, so be it. But, be careful with our written words. Protect them when need be.
I have had many days, of drinking tea and pondering on my presence and well-being. Reflecting and meditating before I perform the skill of writing. It frustrates me to write if my Spirit is troubled; if I am angered, or when I am worried. So, its best to go to that place of spiritual cleansing; making sure my energy is clean. Only then can I delve into a depth where sound moves and performs. Catching that sound, and imitating it onto paper.
There are times when I am angry; enraged, rather. Thinking of people and incidents, where the Oracle of Justice has yet to swing full circle. We have to be honest with ourselves. When someone wrongs us, energetically, an imbalance has taken place. We feel when someone has abused, stolen, or sent toxins into our energy fields. Now, there are different ways of releasing them. Crying helps. It cleanses toxins, and assist us removing the dirt within our system. This process can be by ourselves, or in the company of friends of love ones. It just depends on who we allow in the process, or if we choose to allow anyone, at all.
Then, there is another form of mental cleansing, and that’s just one of telling the truth. Plain and perfect! Right there and right then, if we need to. One of the wonders of social media, especially Twitter is how we are able to so readily, and quickly, capture myriad energies of the day. Letting the world hear them, and getting them to experience what we experience. Even more importantly, conveying those experiences through our lips. It is centered in the first person, and no one can deny, or misconstrue your words, if you are bold enough to inscribe them on a digital platform. Now, they can lie about you, spread rumors about you “being crazy,” forward e-mails for manipulation tactics, and silently incite people to negative perceptions of your existence. They can do that, and. . .then some. Yet, once you highlight your experiences from the essence of your very lips, in public view, then all lies come tumbling down. Presenting truth in the public is essential. In the context of baring false witness against thy neighbor, the realm of secrecy is shattered. Lies allow the blooming of secrecy. And, they can only be sustained through indifference, fear, control, and lack of virtue. Once a writer is no longer imprisoned to these things, then truth telling becomes natural.
There is no way a writer can protect the words, the sounds, and sensorical connection of their audience, if they can not be honest about their own current feelings, or state-of-being. Its impossible to do so. Unless, they are not true writers, and only claim the term for everything, but, the art, itself. Then only can one write so blindly and carelessly. Adding symbols to paper, with purposed of filling space;completing something to move on for the next assignment for profit or gain.
On today, and other days prior, anger had filled my Spirit. Thoughts of maltreatment and past misdeeds register my memory bank, and I couldn’t ignore it. I refused to. It was essential that I take time to go on a mental purging, which would transition into an emotional cleansing. And, my body would greatly benefit from this comfort. Mind. Body. Soul. The human Trinity for our movement patterns on Earth.
During the earlier part of the day, as days before, I spent probably a good 20 minutes articulating my current feelings for the public to hear. Going over details of incidents, people, and places, where toxic energy and spiritual abuse took place. I named names, and highlighted those wrongdoings against me. I have done it before, and made sure that I would do it again, today. Refusing secrecy and lies to win. Unapologetic in shining a light on what, was meant to be hidden. Decisions and “opinions” about me were untrue. There were individuals who started sadistic behaviors against myself, coupling, and very name. And, yet, I was “punished” and blamed. Provocations initiated against me caused me to react as any sane and normal human being. And, yet, my natural defenses were described as “crazy” and ” threatening.” Nevermind, the hidden behaviors, by deceivers, who started mess because, for that time, they knew they had the “power” to get away with it; and to exploit that power. Nevertheless, I wrote those experiences. I went through the healing process-the emotional and mental healing process of truth’s revelation. And, quite frankly. . .I don’t recall feeling this good in my meditative, writing process. Talk about having a sense of peace. Allowing that good energy to feel your Soul. It was then, and only then, when my mind retreats to creativity’s playground. After morning work, I was free to play. And, word play. . . I would.
Once the energies of toxic memories had been released, the writing process became natural, loving, healing, and fun! I found myself mentally exploring deeper writing terrains, that I had never explored. Yes, it was ecstatic. I enjoyed every bit of it.
The phrasing, the truth shall set you free. . .is real. You can tell the existence of truth because its energies are strong, relatable, and electrifies the connections among different people. Those who are willing to listen to it, anyhow. When hearing truth, one breathes easier. One feels better. Initially, it may hurt. It may take time to deal with and accept; especially, with those who embraced lies, manipulation of truth, or illusions of it. In my personal journey and struggles, I too, have had to accept truth, no matter how ugly it appeared. In today’s situation, I literally felt the gradual process of energy shifts, and the drastic change (Point A to Point Z) of feeling better, once my mind and energy fields had been cleared.
Baby, it felt . . .GREAT!
Inner feelings went from subtle spikes to that of a velvet sick. Literally, through consistently writing, tweeting, and speaking, until toxicity was all cleared out. Now, that I was settled, I can return that experience to the audience. Hoping they will be inspired to do the same. Of course, in whatever style or medium of their choosing-what is most comfortable for them.
As a true writer, you can only protect the energy and sensory of words, if you have done the work of cleaning out your energy. It is essential. And, it shows how much you value, respect, and honor those who give you that responsibility in caring for their minds-the mental playground of writing. Respect humanity enough, to heal yourself, first. Being honest with yourself, first. Cleaning out, weeding out, the energy gardens of sounds, so that you can reap an authentic, bountiful, and beautiful. . .verbal harvest!