Covid disrupted not just the physical lives of people but also blew the mental condition. The whole lockdown situation crippled the world. During the pandemic, you may have encountered many difficult times like losing loved ones, redundancy in the job, social disconnect, and unavailability of daily supplies in the store. Coping with mental illness during and after a pandemic is very tough. But remember that everybody is sailing in the same boat. It is always better to try self-techniques before reaching for medical care.
How can you seek emotional support?
Talking and sharing your experiences with loved ones is a simple and effective way of eliminating loneliness. You can speak to trusted people like your family, close friends, work colleagues or even with a helplines service. The emotional support helpline services are a team of trained people who are great listeners and zero judgemental. You will not feel judged, and so the sharing becomes easy.
The team listens and suggests basic steps to conquer the problem. However, if you or the team feel the issue needs medical attention, you will get the right help. Keep an observation chart or diary to look for the alarming signs. Feeling isolated, mild anxiety, restlessness, and sleep disorder are few symptoms that initiatives the mental disorder, and therefore you must consider self-help.
With the technology use, you can do magic and bring ray sunshine to your doomed life. Connect with people (friends, family, partner, children, work colleagues) via various online platforms. Get active on social media – post pictures, start an online meet-up, catch up with old schoolmates; there is an ocean of options to explore.
What are the self-strategies you can try? – Michael Osland
Start your day by preparing a healthy meal/breakfast. Do not sulk or feel demotivated because there is nowhere to go. The lockdown and post lockdown due to pandemic has left everyone with work from home options. The situation results in opting out from early rising and having a healthy breakfast.
Michael Osland suggests showing more enthusiasm during depressing times. Always create activities for yourself. Skipping meals and giving up on getting dressed are few negative approaches that would pull you more towards mental distress.
Plan a nice bath for yourself. Soak your body in Epsom salts and essential oils; this will rejuvenate your senses. Bath is a very sensory activity, and when all your five senses come together, you can get rid of negative thoughts.
Rekindle your old forgotten hobby – it could be anything, sewing, artwork, playing tennis, or even video games. Indulge in some activity that makes you happy. Social isolation and loneliness creep in when you limit the options to just going for the job (which is not anymore) and completing house chores.
And last but surely not least – take the vaccine. When you get the medication, you feel protected, and this gives a sense of safety. The feeling of security will boost your confidence, and then it will be easier to resume to the new normal.