Food can be medicine, especially the preventative kind. Here are some tips for what to eat and what to avoid to keep your immune system functioning optimally.
Ditch sugar
As the creator of Sugar Free 3, I have delved deep into the research. In addition to other ways sugar is detrimental to health, consuming too much hampers the proliferation of beneficial gut bacteria and over-feeds the bad guys, which weakens your immunity.
Add gut-friendly foods to your plate
A healthy gut makes you less vulnerable to viruses. Add fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, kimchi, miso and kefir to your diet. Allium-rich veggies (garlic, onions, scallions, chives, leeks, shallots) are known for their powerful anti-viral, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties and feed your gut the fiber and prebiotics it thrives on
Eat your greens
Work greens into every possible meal to amp the phytonutrients and fiber that keep your immune defenses strong. Eat greens with your eggs, salads at dinner, throw some kale or fresh chopped herbs into soups and blends greens to your smoothies.
Drink immunity-boosting beverages
Skip alcohol for now and brew up hot tea drinks made with immune-boosting ingredients such as fresh ginger. Add bone broth to your sipping schedule as well; Broths made from grass-fed animals deliver amino acids like arginine, glutamine and glycine — all of which are excellent immunity reinforcements.
Spice up your meals
Load on ginger, garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, thyme and cayenne pepper! Not only will they add considerably more flavor to everything you eat, but they also provide powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and antiviral benefits.