Amid the COVID-19 anxiety and uncertainty, we are all going to, unfortunately, spend more time online. The situation gets more complicated for parents as schools are closed so now we have our children at home craving for more screen time.
This list aim to help other parents like me, reduce our family’s screen time, and more importantly, increase our HUMAN TIME, that quality time we spend together. If you are working from home, make sure family meals are enjoyed without screens
1- Track your children Screen Time.
It’s normal that your kids are spending more screen time, above all if you are working from home. Don’t let this crisis to get the situation out of hands and download this print-ready screen time tracker. It’s free.
No apps required, it’s 100 tech-free!
2- Do a review of your 2020 goals and adjust as needed.
We are aware these goals might have changed a bit due to the current situation. Take this crisis as an opportunity to adjust them and become stronger.
“Let’s use this valuable time to reconnect with our families and loved ones”
2- Meditate at home.
Meditation can help you overcome any negative situation. Youtube offers thousands of meditation sessions that you can watch and practice. If you are beginner, don’t stress, start with a 5-10 minutes meditation and increase as needed.
4- Make a list of tech-free activities that you always wanted to start.
This is the perfect moment to do so as, unfortunately, we are all going to spend more screen time. Whether it’s for work, fun or something else, take this moment as an opportunity to set boundaries and rules. Working from home can be very hard if you don’t learn how to disconnect and separate family and work time.
5- Don’t forget about the elderly.
6- Supplement homeschooling has put together a compelling list of resources that can help you navigate this crisis. It includes tools and advice for virtual learning, resources for digital citizenship and well-being and parent support for learning at home.
Stay at home, stay safe.