These are amazing times. It feels like we are on so many edges – life and death, shifting consciousness, the health of our planet, political divisiveness…
So how do we avoid feeling overwhelmed and stuck? How can we cultivate mindfulness and well-being, while staying engaged and effective?
These were some of the topics and questions discussed during the recent Mindful Changemakers Summit. It may not have been obvious, but these interviews are available at any time. I’ve been watching them, and they are well worth the time! You can register for the Summit here.
A few takeaways from the Summit for me are:
If you change the metaphor, you can change your life. Sometimes simply reframing can have a dramatic effect.
Become a seed-planter. Decide what seeds/ideas you are planting. Then watch, water, and improve the soil. Be patient, aware, and nurture your ideas.
Try to be more like a scientist… and experiment!
And try on what it feels like to be an orchestra leader where you see the big picture while listening to every note! This is a practice I often suggest to leaders and managers, and it can work for anyone, as a way of being more proactive, and more responsible. Regardless of our work and roles, we all lead our own lives.
Most importantly, be compassionate with yourself, and with others.
Being aware of our metaphors and replacing unhealthy language with healthy and supportive language can help us stay more present, kind, and curious.
I keep coming back to a few lines of poetry by William Stafford where he says:
“Will you ever bring a better gift for the world
than the breathing respect that you carry
wherever you go right now?Are you waiting
for time to show you some better thoughts?”