For me, the volume of information swirling in my technology is as challenging as the content. Even positive messaging has become somewhat overwhelming. Suddenly, it’s as if every person I’ve ever done business with is contacting me with offers to share Zoom Yoga classes, join daily meditations, and listen to COVID-19 advice.

No doubt, technology is a critical lifeline connecting us to our loved ones, jobs, and the world. Striking the balance between informed and overwhelmed is not easy, but I believe some small habits that repurpose my relationship with technology are key allies to my resilience in the weeks ahead.

Here are 5 micro habits I use to turn all the technology volume down for me.

Create email filters. I use key words or email addresses to automatically bypass my email inbox. My subscriptions to positive newsletters and blogs, go directly to folders. Accessing this content without scrolling the flood of my inbox helps me feel more calm and in control.

Schedule calls with friends for the news-heavy part of the day. This habit keeps me and my technology devices occupied when it’s most tempting to mindlessly tune in to the day’s dramatic headlines. The connection with people I love ends my day on a positive note.

Keep a ‘My Media’ list on my devices. I use a single iPhone reminder category for books, Podcasts and inspirational blogs I hear about throughout the day. When downtime arrives, I use this list as my library, pick something to review and avoid mindlessly scrolling on-line.

Link directly to frequently used on-line content. I place links directly on my desktop or phone to the specific meditations, YouTube workouts and other on-line resources I use daily. Clicking one link to access this content keeps me focused on what I’m on-line to accomplish. I avoid on-line distractions that weigh me down when I use a search engine or scroll through content.

Reframe incoming content as an opportunity to look for the positive. I ask family members to share one positive story they’ve heard that day and I commit to the same. This assignment uses technology as a tool for good not worry, as I’m on the lookout for the uplifting news to share.