We could all use a mindset adjustment from time to time. Life is challenging, and things get thrown at us from left field. There’s no way to prevent obstacles from happening; it’s how we react that is most important. I know that sometimes I overreact or stress about issues that I have no control over. It all really has to do with how we view whatever is happening.

Here are some simple tweaks that you can make to improve the way you approach everyday life and challenges:

  1. Be mindful of the basics. If you’re not sleeping enough, or eating healthy foods, your mindset can take a hit. Everything seems much worse when you’re tired. Be sure that you are practicing good self-care and taking care of your health so that your mindset won’t suffer.
  2. Take five before you react. Sometimes, we are quick to react to something happening in our environment. If we stop, slow down, and take a few deep breaths before we respond, we are likely to prevent acting negatively towards any external stimuli. It’s a good practice to get into.
  3. Ensure that you’re finding a release. Sometimes our lives can seem overly stressful or burdensome. That’s when it becomes extra important to find a way to release all that stress. There are many ways to do so including exercise, fun with friends, activities you enjoy, creative outlets, trips, and small breaks.
  4. Discover a sense of humor in everything. Learn to laugh at yourself. I can always find something to laugh at in every situation, even the bleakest. When we try to see the humor in it, we will lift our spirits and move away from dwelling on the negative.
  5. Be patient and kind with yourself. Never beat yourself up over things that you can’t change. Chances are that you tried your best and it just didn’t work out like you planned. Give yourself some grace and be nice about it.
  6. Focus on the bright side. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. There is always a bright side to every situation. When you are unable to do one thing, something else is then possible. Try to uncover the silver lining in each new happening.
  7. Zoom out. Sometimes tweaking our mindset is as simple as zooming out on a situation. Ask yourself whether it will matter 6 months from now? In 5 years? Or more? If not, it’s time to tweak your perspective.
  8. Look at the past with love. When you reflect upon events from your past, try to concentrate on the positive instead of the negative. The more that you examine them through a lens of love, the more likely you will be to see the good.
  9. View the future with optimism. Anxiety and fear can really do a number on us. As much as possible, attempt to look forward with the mindset that everything is going to turn out in a good way. Chances are, it probably will (even if there are a few hiccups along the way).
  10. Stay in the moment. It’s crucial that we learn to live in the present and enjoy the moment. If we are always looking back or ahead, we’ll mis out on what is happening right now.
  11. Worry about yourself instead of others. You can only control your own actions and reactions. You cannot control what people think or say about you so it doesn’t do you any good to focus on them. Focus on yourself and your own feelings instead. The only person you should make happy is yourself. Remember that.