As an entrepreneur, being the leader of your business, having a strong vision of success is essential to great leadership. To move an idea ahead you must focus on how you envision success. Entrepreneurship is more of a journey rather than a destination. On this thrilling journey, successful entrepreneurs hardly ever expect to arrive to some finish line. That is why the reach heights they never thought they could. Come what may they are always pushing themselves to step outside of their comfort and grow, They bend themselves and juggle up their mind to reach solutions that truly help their business experience explosive results.
One such compelling personality is of Mohi Uddin.He is also a Co-Founder Of “Fuhad Media Partners”, the 28-year-old focussed on all-round development, marketing, and branding of business. Being familiar with the fact that Digital marketing has undoubtedly changed the terrain of many industries, he is the man to bridge the gap, creating a new wave of targeted customers for businesses. Having his own music production house as well, he is eager to expand and invest in other ventures. Mohi Uddin is currently working on several business ideas that are thriving and also generating a staggering annual income of more than 300,000 USD, making him into a worthy entrepreneur to join the journey to the world top 1%.
Like most other college kids, Mohi wanted to succeed. He never believed in getting stuck at a 9-5 job and always aimed at providing jobs and quite manifestly his definition of success is different from the most. Hard work and consistency, he claims is the key to his fortunate journey. He claimed that he owes his success to his failures. On his journey, he had his fair share of joys and more than a few setbacks. But he never gave up and pushed himself harder and stood up on his feet back again.
When time was favorable to him, he always felt overwhelmed and took that as a token for strength and motivation to continue to put effort into his business and achieve more. As it is, negative feelings and emotions can effortlessly take over during the hard times, and before we know it, we are feeling sorry for ourselves and turn to our familiar coping mechanism. Being an entrepreneur, you are your boss. There is no one above you dictating their terms on you, and that is why those coping mechanisms can turn into weeks or months of you doing no work at all. Becoming a successful entrepreneur means understanding your emotions and not letting them take control over you and the key is to understand that hard times are when you need to push yourself to reach new heights.