If one wished to take the time to review the Bureau of Labor Statistics to uncover some stats around working moms, one would see that working moms are becoming the norm in the US. The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that 70% of mothers with children under the age of eighteen participate in the workforce and out of those, 75% work full time. Mothers attribute as sole earners in about 40% of houselholds with children under eighteen, compared to 11% in 1960. The statistics unpack the growing number of mom’s approaching full time work as the norm. Many of my clients are single moms or moms with a partner in the home who wish to go back to work after taking some time to be with their new child. It can be a daunting task; one can feel defeated before even starting the journey. Here are some tips if you are a mom and planning to re-enter the workforce in the short run:
Attitude attributes to success. Do not allow yourself to swim down the sinkhole of “no one will be interested in me since I have been out of work for two long. With some many working mothers today, companies are keen to engage talented and engaged moms. How you think, equates to how you represent. Your physiology will come through in your posture, words used, and tone, but most importantly what you are focusing on. So focus on the great skills you have and how you will apply them to a new organization.
Journal your plan. Dream big! You have the time to discern what you want to do and where you wish to do it. You can hit the refresh button on your career, or you can start connecting with those in the career you enjoyed. But, without a plan, you set yourself up to fail.
Update your credentials. Take a moment to revise and refresh your resume or CV and jazz up your LI Profile. This is an art as your resume should be geared to your plan and your LI profile is your calling card to get in an present your resume. Find an expert to help you with this as it is so important.
Capitalize on Connections. If you were working with a career coach before going on leave, then you are probably still connecting and staying fresh in your industry. But, if you are not, then, now is the time to do so. Become current. Connect with people at the organizations you wish to pursue. Join a local networking group. Participate in self directed learning that will present you as current and add value to your time away experience.
As you discern your next step, start your due diligence in finding any type of care you may need for your child. Get all your ducks in a row before you pursue re-entering into the workforce. This way, you can display confidence knowing your personal is all wrapped up and can put your focus on connecting and interviewing.
There are many options to accommodate any situation. When I was ready to go back to work, I wound up working fulltime from home until my children entered third grade. I found this opportunity through connecting with folks in my industry. Explore your options and start journaling. Consult a career coach to help.