“Food is about sharing. When we share food with others, we are typically sharing in someone’s celebration, happiness, and even sorrow. We are saying, ‘We are here with you,’” says Lori Karmel of Fort Lauderdale’s famous We Take The Cake.
When Karmel purchased the bakery almost two decades ago, she knew that cake was a symbol of togetherness, but she never imagined her cakes would connect others in the ways that they have in 2020. During quarantine, people across the country turned to We Take The Cake for birthdays, anniversaries, and even weddings, and in an era of unprecedented uncertainty, the cakes were able to provide comfort and encouragement.
“There is something intimate about sharing food with people and engaging in conversation (even on Zoom or over the phone),” Karmel shares. Thus, for many, We Take The Cake provided a way to partake in life’s most important moments. The cakes enabled people to be present and express their love at a time when visiting family and friends was almost impossible.
Sending and receiving the cakes also served as a reminder of our unity during the pandemic. “We are all quarantined and isolated. We are all doing our part to stay safe and keep others safe. We are thinking about each other and concerned for each other,” explains Karmel, and the act of sending or receiving the cake showed that social distancing was something we were all going through together.
For Karmel, the most rewarding aspect of We Take The Cake has always been hearing how her cakes played a role in her customers’ lives, so she’s honored to have had the opportunity to connect so many throughout this crisis. From graduations to corporate celebrations and everything in between, Lori is proud that We Take The Cake was able to provide individuals with even a small amount of joy during this time.

Photo By: Krystalán Chryssomallis