Closed stores. Non-essential business status. No customers coming through the door. Even boat ramps shut down. This is the new reality for many business owners as the coronavirus infection toll continues to rise.
With quarantines in effect throughout the country, many businesses across the U.S. economy are closing permanently. Add to it the travel restrictions that are in place causing many outdoor businesses—from guides to gear shops—face extreme financial hardship.
But for WOO! Tungsten, it’s been a completely different story! This Ecommerce outdoors brand has noticed a significant spike in sales since the lockdown began. The company has been thriving over the last month and have even added a new T-shirt saying “Fishing is Essential” to their collection.
“Fishing has always been such a great way to be able to escape from the everyday pressures of life. That’s why we created the shirt ‘Fishing Is Essential’ because it is. It’s an essential way to create some distance and enjoy the great outdoors.” says Aaron Anders, the CEO of WOO! Tungsten.
The company credits its sudden increase in sales on the fact that people are now forced to stay home and as a result spend a lot more time on their devices and making online purchases. Another factor is that WOO! Tungsten is an online company with a strong social media presence and a fast-growing following. The company could reach anglers and interest bored people with their messages with their marketing activities.
This means that seasoned anglers and newbies flocked to the WOO! Tungsten’s website to purchase fishing gear. The company offers a wide variety of tackle made from tungsten – which is a safer, more environmentally friendly alternative to lead. Their products range from flipping weights, drop shot weights, barrel weights, nail weights, punch weights, shaky heads, punch skirts and more, to apparel such as hats, hoodies, and T-shirts.
Cure for Cabin Fever
“It’s obviously been a tough time for everyone with what’s going on in the world, but in the places where fishing is still allowed, we’ve seen more people than ever enjoying their local lakes, ponds, and rivers. I can’t think of a better or safer way to spend a day!” says Anders.
This is true. With no end of the lockdown in sight, many anglers residing in states where fishing is not prohibited, are gearing up to enjoy their favorite outdoor activity while complying with the CDC guidelines for social distancing. For these anglers, fishing is the ultimate relaxation and a way out of the stringent quarantine measures. A search for solace and inner peace that can be unattainable amid the constant stress of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature offers the calmness and WOO! Tungsten provides anglers with the right fishing supplies to completely destress.
Final Thoughts
Amid this Covid-19 pandemic, where most stores are closed, WOO! Tungsten provides a sigh of relief for anglers residing in states that allow fishing. With their wide array of products, anglers can enjoy nature and destress while doing their favorite outdoor activity.
Don’t forget to get your very own ‘fishing is essential’ T-shirt here and join the movement.