Everything is changing hour by hour. We are not used to this level of change.

We are fearful for ourselves and our loved ones. We are fearful for our future.

 “Today I escaped anxiety. Or no, I discarded it, because it was within me, in my own perceptions — not outside.” — Marcus Aurelius

We can choose how we manage our lives today.

We do have power over our own thoughts, moods and decisions. The only way to lose that power is to relinquish it, usually to fear or anxiety.

The practice of Accept, Trust, Surrender (ATS) has its roots in biblical times and today, it is the foundation for most emotional and spiritual healing work. ATS is a way of thinking that frees you from fear and anxiety and being overwhelmed by life.

Nowadays, most of us are having moments, even days of overwhelm. We’re all thinking and feeling the same: ‘I’m lonely’; ‘I’m sick and tired of being cooped up at home with the kids’; ‘I’m scared of catching this thing’ and ‘When will this end?’. These are all valid thoughts that create real feelings. By acknowledging these thoughts and feelings and then letting them go you can move forward from your fears.

How do you move forward? How do you control your thoughts?

Use the mantra – I Accept, I Trust, I Surrender. This mantra lets you rise above the fear and understand who you are and what you can control.  ATS is empowering.

Accept who and where you are today. We are all doing our best in these difficult times. We don’t know where this will take us. Don’t fight or fear this virus 24 *7. Spend time there, acknowledge those feeling then, being grateful for what you do have choose to think and act positively.

Trust that all will be well now and in the future. When we believe and trust that all will be well, we can use our positive thoughts and actions to create a happier today and a better tomorrow.

Surrender is the art of letting go of our need to control. To be able to let go we need to know God or the universe or whatever your choice of words is, has our backs. Let go, choose positive thoughts and decide to take action – bake a cake, call a friend, smile and say hello to a stranger, laugh out loud, listen to your favourite music, say thank you and I love you – anything that makes you and others feel happy.

I use this mantra too – do your best and let God do the rest. We’re not alone. We are all feeling the same. Today, each of us is scared, worried and anxious but, we have each other. We are all in this together. Remember that saying ‘no man is an island’. Be open to receive help and comfort from others and the Universe. Our combined positive energies do make a difference.

Repeat ‘I Accept, I Trust, I Surrender’ 10 times or 100 times a day to reduce stress and find a place of calm. A mantra’s job is to reduce your mind chatter which reduces the fear/flight hormones like adrenaline that race around your body when your stressed.  

Once we de-stress ourselves we can help de-stress those around us. It’s a ripple effect – your mood and energy impacts those around you. If your angry it stresses those around you. Likewise, being relaxed and happy.

Once we Accept, Trust and Surrender we move out of fear and overwhelm. We can think clearly, and we can choose to have positive thoughts and actions. This is our truth – we do have control over our own thoughts, moods and decisions.

“Friendship … is born at the moment when one man says to another “What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .” ― C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves

Several times a day stop what you are thinking and doing. Take a breath and slow down, even if it’s just for a moment. Repeat ‘I Accept, I Trust, I Surrender’. You’ll feel able to cope with these challenging times and so will those around you.

Be kind. Pray. Be grateful. Smile. Move forward with positive thoughts and actions.

Helen McLucas ©2020


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