Time is endless. Time is precious! Time is everlasting. Time is abundant. In her authenticity, time can’t be bought. It is the latter phenomenon, which makes her a rarity. Since the dawning of humanity, human beings have gone through an endless journey in learning how to grapple with the essentials of time. Observing how to stay on time’s good side, so that one does not end up with malicious surprises. And, should a surprise happen to arise, then one can handle it with wisdom and decor, as it will be articulated as another challenge. A challenge for one’s betterment and development. Tough. Even strenuous. Nevertheless, a necessity should one choose to take on that challenge. Again, that’s if one has decided to stay on time’s. . .good side. Appreciating her. Utilizing and reciprocating her energy. Never taking her for granted. Time is giving. She is nurturing. And, if we use her right, we can see the wonders and magic of her creativity.

One of the natural human frustrations in our interaction with time is our ability to wait. Whether we are waiting on long-anticipated projects, we have worked so tirelessly on. The waiting of good news. Waiting for other exciting rewards. Waiting to hear back from powerful and influential people, who could propel us to new heights. Its going through the process of waiting, which tests the very shape of our character. It can be hard. So hard that we question our value, our creativity, and what we have produced. Yet, that’s only, if we are just. . .waiting.

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The key to getting through our waiting process is to continue in the movement. In a terse number of words. Stop waiting. Of course that doesn’t mean to silence any anticipations, and expectations, of reaping the rewards of our labor. What it does articulate is that we shouldn’t stop our work, for a fruitless wait. A wait where we are not producing anything new because we are too busy thinking when a newest development is going to come through. Not only is it useless, but it causes one to fall deeper into a depression or feeling of worthlessness. Becoming even more frustrated in what we are trying to accomplish. Allowing time to bypass the free space that we have to produce. Waiting without creating is an insult to time. Not only it is insulting, but it shows that we do not value time because of her wonders and beauty, alone. Rather, we are only viewing time as a “commodity,” to be capitalized for our gain. Viewing money as more valuable, than the actual time (and processes), that it took to earn it. If we were to observe time in a different way, we would understand that there is a better way to work through time. Even when she has not revealed to us the treasures, awaiting us at the end of the rainbow, work through her, anyway. Its a way for us to understand how we value every piece and space of her energy. Every cycle of her being.

(Source: www.freepik.com)
(Source: www.freepik.com)

When we imagine our constant work and flow, through time, we are immersed in a greater concept, than ourselves. Work is not simply seen as a quantified commodity, that we can own and profit from. That’s not to say that we don’t enjoy the fruits of what we have produced. What it does articulate is that many of the treasures of time reveal themselves, when we work, simply because we want to experience time’s existence. That there is something soothing, comfortable, and wonderful, when we are moving through time. Gliding through it, we are left with the versatility of our imagination. Mainly, because we can imagine ourselves, floating through a space of riches and abundance. Every moment when we are gliding through, we are tapping into unknown power. Its like we are illuminating small bolts of light, in the dark, and getting them to propel us to a greater force. Just imagine ourselves collecting little jewels, along the way, as we are gliding through time. Placing them in our basket, and holding them, until we arrive to a world of greater treasures, ahead. Our patience allows for us to simply, begin the work, because we appreciate the fact that time, exists. And, since it exists, and we are blessed in it by being alive, the fact that we are able to move in time, is a miracle, in itself.


Going back to our previous concept on imagination in time, let’s take a flight, through that mystery . Just imagine releasing your desire to control time. Releasing this insane desire, by humanity, to speed up, or slow down, time’s existence. Letting go and simply being with time. Being in the comfort of time, and flying at whatever speed, of your desire. Just remember that you can not change the speed of time. Your individual speed? Ok. Just remember that you truly can never control that with time. We think we can. Little do we know. So, we go through time, by working through time. Because we have been nourished with time, we consistently feel our energy being replenished. A big difference between what we are used to dealing with, in an every day work situation, and traditional understandings of work. That understanding of “having accomplished” the most when we have drained ourselves of our energy supply. Yet, that is not the essence of time. When we have nourished ourselves in time, even while we work, we are always replenished. Forget about stress and the pains of carrying a rigorous workload.

When we continue to move in time, with production on our minds (with creativity on our minds), our fruitions are richer. We remove any anxiety from our psyche, as we do not stop to linger and. . .wait. Waiting on rewards in anguish because we have grown impatient with time. In our continued work of building and creating, while continuing to move, we experience the beauty of process. Appreciate the aesthetics of flying through the journey or process, in getting to where we want to be. Of receiving what we have worked hard for. Thus, we appreciate the work, more. That is the essence of continuing to engage and work with time. Seeing her as a tool in getting to where we want to be. Yet, enjoying that tool. Connecting to it. Intertwining with its flow, rhythm, shape, and design; not simply to quickly use it, in getting to the treasures.

Side profile of a pregnant woman standing and talking to her husband — Image by © Ocean/Corbis

Time is generous. Time is attentive. Time is sharing. Time is bold. She is audacious and expects us to appreciate her. She demands that we notice her, and go through whatever we project into her being. Sitting in time. Waiting in time, without moving through her, causes us to. . . lose our connection to time. It is part of that realm, where we can never escape time, even if we decide to stand still in it. Time will go on, and we will feel the anguish of it, should we decide to become immobile, in it.

Time is beautiful, Ladies and Gentlemen. Time is magical. It is how we move through her, which will decide the type of treasure that we receive, once we go through one. . . point in time. Just remember that there are many. There are infinite points, and spaces in between-having a beginning and an end. Enjoy the ride of time. Enjoy the magical moments, within that ride. Let’s not continue to be so hasty in our desire to complete one journey in time, simply because we want the prize. Even if we decide to rush through time, we may lose key lessons, in the process. We may miss out on new discoveries concerning our own being, when we rush through time.

I know waiting can be hard. I’m the first to admit that, as a writer, I have struggled with this. Nevertheless, it is a necessary improvement when we decide to work in a different way. There is another way of working in time’s allure, which does not treat our bodies as machines, or tries to commodify time-no matter how we think we are able to make time a, product. In the end, we end up getting a huge surprise! Therefore, in our essence of wanting to learn about time’s allure, we can move in a different way. Always move, even when sitting still. Continue to move when we are. . .waiting! Try not to think about making it to the end, and never treat our matriculation through time, as a race. In its true authenticity, we are really in a race with ourselves.

And so, another work day shall come. During this time, so many will be working from home. One of the benefits is that we will get time to access our patterns and styles of work. This time, there is no office, where we will be rushed to. This time, we are in our personal confines, and the work comes to us. Of course, and as usual, that’s for another piece. Taste time. Smell time. Touch in time. Hear in time. And, allow yourself to work beautifully, as you anticipate, one point’s ending in time.

(Source: www.freepik.com)
(Source: www.freepik.com)