Murad Islamov who is just 21 stated that he is too young to give noteworthy advice for aspiring athletes and soccer players. But as per his experience, he revealed that every athlete must find a solution to the problem and focus on getting better each and every day. Self-development and self-belief are a vital characteristic on surpassing any adversity thrown your way during the journey. ” It takes a-lot of discipline and courage to chase your desired dreams, you have to go to want it, you need to stand out and be unique in a way from others and know that it’s a long bumpy journey, the motivation and desire needs to be fueled by your why”. 

Avoiding Anxiety And Burnout

Murad acknowledges that anxiety is the human body’s natural response to stress. He shares with us that whenever he feels anxious, he mentally doesn’t fight it… He accepts it and adjusts course from the source of stress.

Murad has programmed his mind to push past anxiety using the method stated above Due to this, handling anxiety has become easy for Murad to do.

Aside from fortifying his mental health, Murad does not miss out on taking care of his body daily. He sticks to a healthy diet, works out, and makes sure he gets enough sleep.

Achieving Success

To attain the level of success you desire, Murad believes that you need to be completely obsessed and prepared to take risks with the combination of thorough discipline and effective decision making.

You need to strive for success with all that you have and be willing to sacrifice everything to get it. 

Murad also referred to one of his favorite quotes from Tony Robbins:

“If you want to take the island, burn your boats, and you will take the island, people who are willing to die to succeed tend to succeed. Most of us give ourselves outs; that’s why we don’t have what we want.”

Source Of Motivation

Motivation is a feeling that helps us take action towards achieving our goals. Without proper motivation, most of us won’t be where we are today.

To gain motivation, Murad spends time reading the success stories of entrepreneurs and other people who have attained success in their chosen career paths. The stories he comes across serves as a constant motivation stream for him. 

The fact that he has total control over his life is also a contributing factor. With the help of all of this and the resources he has available he stays on track, constantly burning boats and heading straight to conquer the island.

Continues Growth

What’s gotten Murad to where he is today has been continuous learning, growth and development in his profession and as a man. 

Along with constant adaptation, regular collaborations and continuous investing in his self, and his future with pure focus and 100% conviction that the life of his dreams is attainable. 

Further growth, success and development will stem from Murad doubling-down on everything that’s gotten him to where he is today. 
