sketchmesome is a musician who’s brought happiness to the life of countless individuals around the world through his music. In this article, we will learn how he has overcome stress and achieves success as a musician.
Drawing Inspiration
We all have that one thing that drives us to do remarkable things, you know! That thing that gives us the required motivation or pushes we need to set out on daring adventures.
Well, sketchmesome inspiration to tread the unforgiving music industry comes from his love for music. He shares that he is passionate about the craft and also believes that if you set your mind to anything you can achieve it. Before he began his journey into the music industry, sketchmesome noticed that the industry was lacking a certain style, and in order for him to experience this style, he would have to create it himself.
“I’m someone who likes to try a lot of things in life and therefore, in the beginning, I guess I was trying out “making music” which slowly turned into a passion of mine.” – sketchmesome.
So far, music has revealed that anyone can achieve anything in life as long as they put in the work. Today, sketchmesome has successfully created that style of music that he found missing some time ago.
Overcoming Stress And Burnout
Music is an art that consumes a lot of time, effort, and energy. This is the reason why so many artists often fall back on drugs to help them push through tough times. sketchmesome shares that when making music, you need to learn to take breaks, especially if you do everything yourself.
You might have a hard time with this, seeing as there’s still a lot of work to be done to improve one’s career. But think of it this way; If you don’t take those breaks, you’ll experience burnout later on and won’t be able to put in 100% effort in anything you do; hence leading to a decrease in the quality of your music.
Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands.
So next time you’re planning to push through your pain- threshold, think of how it may affect your music or even worse, your health. Learn to take a break.
Achieving Success
Ethical values are definite rules and virtues we live by and apply in our daily activities to help us succeed at what we do.
To sketchmesome, the virtue that has helped him succeed in music so far is self-improvement. Over the years, his sound has become more refined and he has learned to sing properly. Apart from that, he has done a lot of online research which helped him improve his mixing and mastering skills. This especially, made him sound more professional.
On the topic of success, sketchmesome has some words of advice for anyone who wants to achieve success;
“You can pretty much do anything you want in life as long as you fully set your mind to it. Do all the research, learn from the people that actually do it if possible. The most obvious advice would be to trust yourself and really not listen to anyone, if you plan on being successful in something then hate comes along, and you really need to block it out and just do you.”- sketchmesome